Mom Doesn't Know 1/2

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A/N: Hello! this one was inspired by my tumblr being flooded with posts about Kanto and Toph being good parents to Lin to I decided to write it. I had to throw in some kyalin into that lmao I felt the need to give Lin some good relationship with her dad so here she got it. It's only technically kyalin but I like it enough to post here 😭🤚

In this work, Lin is around 19, Kya is aged down and is 22, the rest of them is irrelevant lmao. also, suyin still isn't Kanto's kid but that doesn't really matter here

I might write the second part with the actual date happening but I'd have to give it a thought. Also, let me know if anyone would be interested in that.

Lin was sitting in front of the mirror and was trying to decide how to wear her hair. She tried putting it in a loose low bun but it felt too loose, high ponytail seemed too usual, a braid was the way she usually wore her hair in training so this also felt wrong. She attempted putting it in a french braid but this didn't work when she was supposed to do it by herself and asking her parents wasn't an option - she'd probably braid it better than Kanto and Toph was blind so she'd probably use it as an excuse. She was still in a robe after the shower and wasn't anywhere near ready but the time was running.

Frustrated, Lin let her hair down, the raven-black locks falling onto her shoulders. She looked good with it down but she'd grow frustrated with it falling into her face and food. Sometimes she wished she inherited her father's slightly textured hair, it didn't look so boring as her straight ones did when he used to have it long.

She sighed looking at her reflection, this whole date was making her more nervous than it should. She even put on some makeup for one dumb dinner with-

„You're going out?" Kanto's voice stopped Lin's thoughts. He was leaning against the doorframe of Lin's room.

„Yeah, I told mom. Figured, she'd tell you" Lin shrugged as she tried putting her hair in a low ponytail this time.

„She didn't" Kanto sat down on his daughter's bed and caught eye contact with her through the mirror.

„It looks dumb, doesn't it?" Lin asked as she put the ponytail on her shoulder, hair reaching way below her breasts. It made Lin wonder when did it get so long.

„It looks nice but if it feels wrong, change it"

Lin sighed as she pulled the hair tye down her long hair. „Any ideas?" she raised an eyebrow.

Kanto pushed himself up and walked up to Lin. „May I?" he asked. Lin nodded and Kanto ran his fingers through her soft hair. He separated the front section of Lin's hair and held it at the back of her head. „Hair tye?" he reached his hand out and Lin silently placed said object in his hand. Kanto made a quick job of securing the section of hair before he circled Lin and turned her head towards him. He pulled a few strands at the very front before turning her by her shoulders back towards the mirror.

Lin smirked, she finally didn't look like she was going to training but at the same time, her hair would not fall into her face.

„I used to wear my hair like this all the time when I had it longer, keeps your hair off of the face but you still have a chance to show it off" Kanto smirked at his daughter through the mirror.


„Can I know where are you going?" Kanto asked.

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