Chapter 7-Training begins

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Emilia's pov
Okay this is gonna be hard but I know we can do this "Okay ragazzi we have one week to train" Giulia says as Alberto was sat at the table since we were back at her place "I got this" Alberto says then me and luca put different types of pasta on the table. Alberto just became confused "wait what?" He asked "every year they change the pasta you have to be ready for anything, could be cannelloni, penne, fusilli, trofie even lasagne" Giulia says. I gave Alberto a thumbs up "you got this Alberto" I says with a smile then he goes to eat with his hands "and you have to use a fork, its the rules" Giulia says handing Alberto a fork. Alberto only groans "rules are for rule people" he says trying a failing to use the fork, later we held luca train on the bike and he went pretty slowly up the hill but eventually we made it to the top. A laugh was heard "I know I know and remember piccoletto..." Ercole says as he rode past us and ran his thumb across his own neck, okay someone need to put that guy in hid place. Luca looked pretty scared "forza luca don't let him get in your head, you can do this" Giulia says. Luca nodded and takea deep breath "Okay, silenzio bruno, here we go" he says starting to ride down the hill but he panics "I can't!" He says making the bike stop then be goes flying and hit a wall "luca!" I yelled running over to him helping him. Then it was time to help Giulia train with me, luca and Alberto on a boat theta the boys paddled  along slowly "I guess that's how humans swim?" Luca says lucky Giulia didn't hear us "ugh, that's embarrassing" Alberto says. I just watched Giulia as my mind begins to wonder about "oh no it's Ercole go go!" Giulia yelled and the boys hurried to try and get away "luca faster faster!" Alberto yelled but we only went in a circle "why aren't we moving?!" Luca asked panicked. Just as Ercole hit us one of his henchmen turns their boat and made the water splash us but only me and luca made it out of the way in time. Alberto got wet showing his full sea monster from but he ducks down before anyone sees him and as luca grabbed the towl to dry Alberto he elbowed him in the face and he falls into the water "where did the other one go?" Ercole asked. Oh god please don't let him see Alberto and just as he looked down into the water Giulia grabs his attention again and I quickly helped Alberto back into to boat and luca throws the towel over Alberto before Giulia gets back into the boat "you guys Okay?" She asked us. I nodded as I look at the boys "we're good!" Alberto says as he was human again "well I think that'd enough training for today" she says as the boys start padding us back "yra agreed" luca says "yep" Alberto says and we eventually make it back to the town.

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