1. She Knows My Name?

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Harry’s POV

As the bell rang, my entire class stood up and gathered their belongings.

“Mr. Styles; Miss Swift, I need to see you two for a moment please.” Mrs. Smith said.

Oh no, what did she need us for? We were two completely different people. I made straight A’s, she was lucky when she made a C. I was in the science club, and she was captain of the cheer squad.

I slung my old Spiderman backpack onto my back and grabbed my pencil, shoving it into my shirt pocket then walked up to Mrs. Smith’s desk.

Taylor was already standing there and I already felt intimidated. She was wearing a pair of black leggings and a pink, over-sized sweater with a pair of Ugg boots, and her blond hair was straightened, falling softly on her shoulders. She was absolutely gorgeous, but she was WAY out of my league. She made me insanely nervous anytime she was around.

“Miss Swift, I’ve been noticing you’re having troubles in my class…” Mrs. Smith started. “And I’ve decided that it’d be best if you got some tutoring. Mr. Styles here is an outstanding student, and I think the two of you would work well together. I hope you don’t mind, Mr. Styles, but I’ve assigned you to be Miss Swift’s tutor.”

I didn’t let it show, but I totally had a problem with it. I would probably make a fool out of myself in front of her. I had never had a real conversation with her before, and she made me nervous even just by standing here next to me.

“Sure I’ll tutor her.” I said, instantly regretting the words I said.

“Miss Swift, are you alright with this?” Mrs. Smith asked, looking to Taylor.

“Yeah, I guess. If it helps bring my grades up, I’m down for anything, really.” She replied, holding her science book close to her chest.

The book rose and fell with every breath she took and I couldn’t help but let my eyes wander to her chest. Her boobs weren’t exactly big, but they were enough to make a guy like me go crazy.

What the HELL am I thinking?! She’s completely out of reach. I need to keep my mind on the tutoring, and the things I need to teach her, not her body.

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