17. I'm Out

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Taylor’s POV

I had no idea where Louis was going, but I wasn’t scared. In fact, I was excited. I was always up for an adventure.

I enjoyed Louis’ thinking. I had hoped that Harry would sit in the back of the car with me and Louis had made it obvious that he wanted Harry to sit with me as well.

“Where are we?” Harry asked, breaking my thoughts.

I lifted my head off of Harry’s shoulders and looked out the window. It looked like we were at a park of some sort, but it was too dark outside to really see any sort of playground equipment.

“It’s a park my mom used to take my sisters and I too whenever we were little.” Louis replied, taking the keys out of the ignition.

“Lou… This is lame…” Harry said, softly rubbing his thumb up and down my index finger.

“No it’s not! This is lovely.” I replied, smiling.

Louis got out of the car and Harry and I followed, never letting go of each other’s hands.

“Harry, never doubt my ways.” Louis said, walking over to a picnic table in the middle of the field that was lit up by a small street light.

Louis sat down on one side of the table and Harry and I sat on the other.

“This is a place where I go when I need to get away from reality, and I figured that’s exactly what you two need.” Louis said, looking at us.

Had Harry told Louis about Niall…? Did he know what Niall had done to me?

I was about to ask, but Louis stood up. “So… I’ll be in my car. You two take all the time you need.” He said, walking away.

When he was far enough away, Harry and I turned to each other, letting go of each other’s hands for the first time since we left the ice cream shop.

“Just so you know, I didn’t tell him about Niall. I think he’s doing this because Zayn approached us at the game…” Harry said.

“What?! What’d he say?!” I replied, a little scared. Zayn was tough.

“He was just reminding me that ‘You’re Niall’s!’ and I need to ‘Stay away from you!’” he replied, mocking Zayn at certain points as he spoke.

“I know you’re not scared, but you should be, Styles. You don’t know what Niall and his friends are capable of.” I said, trying to get him to understand.

Harry sighed. “I don’t mean to scare you, Taylor, but you really don’t know what I’m capable of either.”


Louis’ POV

I climbed into my car, knowing I was doing the right thing. If Harry was happy, I was satisfied with myself. Taylor made Harry happier than I had ever seen him in all the time we had been friends.

I looked out the front windshield and saw the two of them deep in conversation. I couldn’t help but smile. This was the first real girl that Harry genuinely cared about and had strong feelings for, even if they had just developed recently.

There was a sparkle in his eye that I could see, even in the dim light, that I had never seen him have before. A spark that I wished he’d have when he looked at me.

He didn’t know it yet, but he was in love with her.

And I was in love with him…

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