21. Visitor

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Harry’s POV

“I’m sorry, but what?!” I asked the officer, looking at him in shock.

“We found your finger prints on the weapon used to injure this young man.” The officer said, looking at Taylor.

“Officer, I can assure you that she did NOT shoot me. The boy who shot me dropped the gun and Taylor picked it up to get it away from him. I think I know who tried to kill me…” I replied, shocked that the officer could even think for a second that Taylor was the one who shot me.

“I’m not saying I don’t believe you. However, her finger prints are on the weapon. We have to take her into custody until she can be taken to court and proven innocent.” The officer replied.

Taylor slowly walked over to the officer, ready to take it without putting up a fight.

“Taylor, what the hell are you doing?!” I asked, protesting. She had absolutely no reason to be doing this.

“I know I didn’t do it, so why protest. Let’s just get it over with.” Taylor said, putting her hands behind her back for the officer to handcuff her.

I still couldn’t believe she was doing this, but I let her do it anyway.

“Do you at least have Niall Horan in custody?” I asked.

“No sir. He disappeared last night. His parents filed a missing person report this morning before we went to take him into custody.” The officer replied.

“Typical of him.” Taylor said under her breath.

“Before I handcuff you, you can go say goodbye.” The officer said, pointing to me.

Taylor slowly walked towards me, Johannah and Dan walking out of her way.

“What’s going to happen if the doctors are wrong and I don’t make it?” I asked her, hoping it would help her change her mind and to try and fight for herself.

“Don’t you dare talk like that, Styles. You’ll be fine. As soon as I’m out of jail I’ll be right back here at your bedside.” She replied, running her hand through my hair with a smile on her face.

With that, she leaned in and kissed me. It was short, but passionate.

When she pulled away, she walked back to the officer and he put her in cuffs.

She smiled at me one more time and then the officer escorted her out of the room.

“Well that’s a major plot twist…” Louis  said, trying to be funny.

“Shut up, Louis. Not now.” I replied, my eyes not leaving the doorway.

I guess I sort of hoped that she would come back. That the officer would realize right away that she didn’t shoot me.

“Can we get you anything…?” Johannah softly asked.

“Not right now, no. Thank you though.” I replied.

“No problem. Just let us know if you do. The doctors said you’ll be here for about a week and as long as everything goes good, you’ll be able to go home.” She said.

I couldn’t wait to get out of this place and I had only just woken up.

Suddenly, one of the hospital nurses came into the room.

“Mr. Styles, there’s someone here to see you. There are already 3 people in here so at least one of you will have to leave for me to allow him to come back here.” She said.

“We’ll both leave. I’m sure you want a little privacy.” Johannah said, leading Dan out of the room.

“Do you want me to send him in?” the nurse asked, smiling.

“Yeah, sure.” I replied.

Who was coming to visit me…? Louis and Taylor were my only real friends, so who was coming to visit me.

I looked to Louis and he looked puzzled as well.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

“Come in.” I said, watching as the door opened.

“Hello, Styles.”

Niall was standing in the doorway, an evil look on his face.

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