2. Let's Get to Work

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Taylor’s POV

After introducing Harry to my mom, we entered the kitchen. I was hungry as heck so I was anxious to see what she had made for my snack.

There was a stack of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies on a big plate in the middle of the counter.

I quickly grabbed one, shoving it in my mouth. Normally, that would be considered rude, but I didn’t care. I was hungry.

“Do you want one?!” I asked Harry, my mouth full of the delicious cookie.

He smiled, then nodded, reaching out to grab one.

“My mom makes incredible cookies.” I said, taking another bite.

With that, he took his first bite and smiled.

“You’re right. These are delicious!” he exclaimed, taking another bite.

I laughed, then grabbed another cookie for myself. I never could get enough of them.

“Taylor, honey, I have to take your brother to baseball practice. Will you and Harry be alright here by yourselves?” my mom asked, entering the kitchen.

“Yeah, we’ll be fine mom.” I replied.

“Alright. Behave yourself. I’ll be back in an hour or two. I need to do some grocery shopping as well.” She said, grabbing her grocery list off of the sticky note pad by the phone.

“Sounds good.”

And with that, she walked away. A few moments later, I heard her and Austin open and close the front door.

“You have a brother…?” Harry asked, reaching for another cookie.

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