19. The Question

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Taylor’s POV

As Niall had a hard grip on me, I tried to hide how scared I was. I knew how dangerous Niall was and I knew he wasn’t afraid to pull the trigger. Especially with as much alcohol that he had consumed.

“Come on, Niall. You don’t want to hurt her.” Harry said, keeping his distance.

I knew the moment I got Harry as a tutor I was putting him in danger. I just never thought it would get this bad.

“I do want her. That way you know what it’s like to watch something you care about be taken away from you. You thought you had control. But you were wrong, Styles.” Niall said, pushing the gun up against my temple even harder.

I was trying hard to hold back tears.

“D-don’t call him that.” I managed to say through clenched teeth.

He may have been trying to take my life, but I wasn’t about to let him do it without a fight.

“Well, why not?! Is that some kind of pet name you have for him? You’re fucking pathetic, Taylor. You deserve to die, and he deserves to watch you suffer.” Niall said, squeezing my arm even harder. I didn’t even think that was possible.

“You’ll regret this. Please don’t…” Harry said, a look a terror in his eyes. Though his glasses had a soft glare on them, I could still see it.

It was the first time I had ever seen him be absolutely terrified. Any other time Niall or any of his other friends had come around, he acted like absolutley nothing was wrong.

"You know what, Harry, you're right. I don't want to hurt her. I want to hurt you."

Suddenly, Niall let go of me and pointed his gun towards Harry.

Without warning, I tried to jump on him, pushing his arm down just as he pulled the trigger.

The gun fell to the floor and I quickly picked up. Niall couldn't get it again.

Suddenly, Niall ran straight to the door and out of the house, slamming the door behind him.

I instantly looked to Harry, who was now sitting on the ground, clutching his thigh.

"Did he...?" I started, hoping it wasn't true.

Harry weakly nodded his head, lifting his hand up and revealing the gun shot wound in his thigh.

Instead of running to comfort him, I ran to grab my cell phone off of the counter, calling 911.

I explained to the dispatcher what happened and they said they were sending help.

When I hung up, I ran to Harry's side.

His eyes were starting to roll back into his head and he laid down. He was losing a LOT of blood.

"Stay with me, Styles. Please..." I said, trying not to show how scared I was. He had never been scared before, so why should I?

I placed my hand over his wound, putting pressure on it to try and stop the bleeding.

"Taylor..." Harry croaked out. It was getting harder for him to speak as he quickly got weaker from the loss of blood. "Be my girlfriend...?"

I didn't say anything, too shocked to reply. The kid was on his death bed and he wanted me to be his girlfriend...?

"If I die, I want to die as your boyfriend." He added.

How could I say no? I liked Harry.

"Yes, I'll be your girlfriend. But under one condition..." I said.

"Anything." He whispered as I heard the sound of sirens in the distance.

"Do everything you can to keep yourself alive."

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