4. Homework

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Taylor’s POV

When Harry told me that Niall had approached him, I could feel my heart drop. What had he said? What did he intend on doing to him? I wanted to ask him, but I didn’t want to have to explain to him why I was so scared.

“What did he say?” I asked, trying to hide the insecureness in my voice.

Would he hurt Harry like he hurt me?

“He, uh, he just was making sure that I knew that you were HIS girlfriend, and that I should make sure to not pull anything. He’s just being  really protective boyfriend.” He replied, keeping his eyes on the dashboard in front of him.

He didn’t seem very scared, and he almost sounded like he was glad that Niall was being over protective. If only he knew how serious Niall was being. If Harry truly were to do anything that Niall felt was making a move on me, Niall would wring his neck.

“I HATE when he does that! It’s almost like he doesn’t trust me.” I said, clenching my steering wheel.

“Taylor, I’m not going to try anything so neither of you should be worried.” He replied.

I smiled slightly, then focused on the road. Again, we said nothing as we drove the rest of the way home. When we got out and went inside, I saw a note on the kitchen counter from my mom.

‘Austin and I are going grocery shopping. Be back soon’

“My mom is out, o we have the house to ourselves.” I said, walking upstairs and placing my things on my bed.

Harry followed, and he took his science book out of his bag.

“Did you finish tonight’s homework in class?” he asked.

“No, I figured we’d need something to work on.” I replied.

I grabbed my science notebook and a pen out of my bag and joined him on my bed. I realized how hot it was in my room, so I walked over and turned my fan on, then pushed my sleeves up.

When I pushed up my right sleeve, I noticed the bruises on my skin and quickly pushed my sleeves down again. No one could know my secret. The bruises were getting darker and darker because Niall had been grabbing me in the same place on my arms lately. I was starting to wonder if they would ever go away. Recently, I had been avoided sleeveless and short sleeve shirts so that no one could see.

“Mrs. Smith was in a really bad mood today…” I said, looking down at the science book.

“I think she’s just stressed out because of mid-terms next week.” He replied.

He had really good point.

“Yeah, probably. I just wish she wouldn’t take it out on us…” I said.

“Not to be rude, but it does get kind of annoying when you and Niall giggle all class period and make out whenever she’s not looking.” He replied.

If only he knew that it wasn’t my fault. If only he knew that I couldn’t help it. If I didn’t act sweet to him and do everything he wanted me too, I’d pay the consequences later.

But instead of showing how scared I was, I let out a fake laugh.

“You guys really can’t keep your hands off of each other, can you?” Harry asked, laughing.

Honestly, that stung more than it should have. I knew he was trying to be funny, but if he knew the real Niall, he never would’ve said that.

“I guess not.” I replied, putting on a fake smile.

“Alright, let’s get started. Tonight’s homework was pretty easy.” He started.

I quickly interrupted. “You think EVERYTHING is easy, Styles.”

He laughed, then went on. “This is true. But seriously, we learned this freshman year, and it was easy even then. You probably don’t even need my help. All you have to do is divide the two numbers seen in the word problems, basically.”

I looked through the problems we had to work out and realized that Harry was right. The problems we had to do were simple. I grabbed the book from Harry and started working through the problems and they were actually a lot simpler than I thought.

I barely had to rely on Harry’s help and before I knew it, I was done with that night’s homework.

“Good job, Taylor! I told you you could do it!” He said, smiling as he took his book back and put it in his backpack.

I looked over at my clock and noticed that it was already 6. My mom and Austin should’ve been back by now.

“Harry, did you hear the door open earlier…? My mom and brother should be back by now, but I haven’t heard from them.” I said, getting off of my bed and opening my bedroom door to look downstairs.

“No, I don’t think so.” He replied, coming behind me.

I then climbed the stairs and looked around downstairs. They were nowhere to be found.

I took my cell phone out of my pocket and dialed my mom’s number. It rang a few times, then went to voicemail. I then dialed Austin, and the same went for him.

“Harry, I’m really worried. Neither of them are picking up their phone.” I said, realizing that Harry had followed me downstairs.

“I’m sure they’re fine. Maybe they’re at the checkout and neither of them can talk at the moment.” He replied, trying to calm me down.

His glasses were falling down on his face, and for the first time, I could truly see into his beautiful green eyes. They almost made me forget about my mother and my brother. Almost.

I was suddenly pulled out of my gaze by the sound of sirens in the distance. Harry could see the fear in my face, and I could tell he was scared as well.

“Just because there’s a siren doesn’t mean it’s them, Tay.” He softly said.

I quickly ran to the front door and emerged onto my front lawn, looking around for the source of the sirens.

That was when I saw the car accident at the end of the street. Except the car tangled up in rubble wasn’t my mother’s. It was Niall’s.

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