16. Ice Cream

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Harry’s POV

After the game, which we had won, I waited by the field for Taylor. I wanted to tell her how much I enjoyed watching her cheer.

When she saw me, she ran towards me, wrapping her arms around me for a hug.

“That was really fun to watch. I honestly didn’t know you were so… so flexible.” I said.

She laughed. “Thank you… I think?”

This time, I was the one to laugh. “You’re welcome. Listen, Louis is waiting for me in the parking lot, I just wanted to say thank you for asking me to come. I really enjoyed it.”

She smiled, and for a moment, I asked myself whether or not I should kiss her, but decided against it because we weren’t dating and I didn’t want to embarrass her.

“Bye, Styles.” She said, then softly kissed my cheek before walking away.

I quickly ran to Louis’ car, hoping I didn’t run into Zayn or any of his friends on the way. I breathed a sigh of relief as I safely got into Louis’ car with the boys nowhere in sight.

“Wanna go get some ice cream?” Louis asked, driving away.

“Ice cream sounds lovely, but you and I both know I don’t have any money.” I replied.

“Harry. You live with me now. My parents took you in and are taking full responsibility of you, which means we get to pay for things too. You should start getting used to it.” Louis replied.

I sighed. He was right. I was thankful that the Tomlinson’s had taken me in as their own. Before Louis had told me they wanted to take me in, I had been living under highways and sleeping in ditches. The only thing that changed was that I had a bed to sleep in and I no longer had to beg for money on the streets. I had a new family and they let me go wherever I needed to and I was thankful for that.

“So that’s it. We’re going to get ice cream. But first, I need to get gas.” Louis said, interrupting my thoughts.


When we arrived at the local ice cream shop, we got out and went inside. To my surprise, Taylor and her mom were standing at the register, both licking their ice cream cones.

Taylor hadn’t noticed me yet, so I decided to try and sneak up behind her. Just as I was about to scare her, she turned around, smiling at me.

“Fancy seeing you here, Styles.” She said.

“I could say the same about you, Swift.” I replied.

She was still in her cheerleading uniform, and I hadn’t noticed during the little conversation we had after the game that it looked even better up close. It outlined every good angle of her body.

“Hello, Harry!” Taylor’s mom said, turning around and placing her credit card back into her wallet.

“Hi, Mrs. Swift. How are you doing?” I asked.

“I’m well, thank you. And you?” she replied.

“I’m great.” I said.

“That’s great.”

Suddenly, Louis interrupted.

“Hazza, what do you want?” he asked.

“A scoop of mint chocolate chip on a waffle cone.” I said, turning to the lady scooping the cones.

After speaking, I turned back around.

“Alright, well, I have to work in the morning so I need to get us home.” Mrs. Swift started. “It was good to see you, Harry.”

“You too, Mrs. Swift.” I replied.

“Why can’t Taylor stay?!” Louis interrupted.

When those words escaped from his mouth I felt my cheeks get red.

“Louis, you heard Mrs. Swift, she has to work tomorrow.” I said, trying to let them off of the hook.

“I can drive her home…” Louis added, grabbing his ice cream cone from the worker.

“Taylor…?” Mrs. Swift said, looking to Taylor.

She shrugged her shoulders and smiled. “I’d love to stay, if that’s not a problem.”

“That’s fine with me. Just don’t stay out too late, okay?” her mom replied.

With that, Mrs. Swift and Taylor hugged, then Mrs. Swift exited the ice cream parlor.

“THANK YOU FOR SAVING ME. I hate when my mom forces me to go home on Friday nights.” Taylor said as soon as her mom was out the door.

“You’re welcome.” Louis replied, winking at me.

“Here sir.” The worker said, handing my ice cream cone.

“Thank you.” I replied, going to sit at a booth with Taylor while Louis paid for our ice cream.

“How was the game?” Taylor asked, eating her ice cream.

“I didn’t understand anything that was going on, so I just cheered when everyone else cheered and booed when everyone else booed.” I replied.

Taylor laughed. “Cute move, Styles.”

“Thanks.” I replied.

With that, Louis joined us, sitting next to me on my side of the booth. I was across from Taylor.

“I’m Louis. We’ve met before, but not really.” Louis said, interrupting our conversation.

“I remember you, Louis.” She replied.

“Good. ‘Cause I have a feeling you’re going to be spending a lot of time around me.” He said, looking to me with a smile.

I playfully hit him, trying to tell him to shut up.

“I guess we are, huh?” Taylor replied, smiling at Louis.

“What kind of ice cream is that?” I asked Taylor, trying to change the subject.

“Vanilla… I’m really boring, I know.” She replied, blushing.

“Nah, I like vanilla. I just prefer mint chocolate chip.” I said.

When we all finished our ice cream, we said goodbye to the owner, realizing we were the only ones left in the parlor.

When we approached Louis’ car, he threw all of his school items from the back seat into the front seat claiming, “SHOTGUN’S ALREADY TAKEN.”

I knew he was trying to get Taylor and I both to sit in the back, and he was making it obvious. I was strangely okay with what he was doing as I opened the back door for her, climbing in behind her.

Instead of sliding all the way over to the other side, Taylor sat in the middle seat.

Louis started the car and started to drive, going the opposite way of Taylor’s house.

“Umm… Louis…? Do you even know where her house is…?” I asked.

“Don’t worry about it, Harry. I’ve got everything under control.” He replied, a smile on his face.

He was up to something, I knew it.

I looked to Taylor and shrugged my shoulders and she smiled up at me.

Nervously, I took her hand, hoping she wouldn’t object to holding my  hand.

She instantly intertwined our fingers and leaned her head onto my shoulder.

I didn’t know where Louis was taking us, but suddenly, I was excited for the adventures to come.

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