3. Introductions

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Harry’s POV

The next day at school, I spotted Taylor at early morning assembly with Niall. She looked happy again, even after their fight last night.

“Harry, mate, where were you last night? I thought we were going to have a bro night.” my best friend, Louis, asked me, approaching me at my seat.

“Oh my gosh, I completely forgot! I’m so sorry! Mrs. Smith asked if I could start tutoring Taylor Swift. She’s been having trouble in science, and Mrs. Smith thought I would be a good choice for a tutor for her.” I said, remembering that I had agreed to go to Louis’ house for video games and junk food the day before.

“HOLD UP. Taylor Swift?! Captain of the cheerleading team? Sex goddess? THAT Taylor Swift?!” Louis asked.

I laughed before I answered. “Yes, Lou, THAT Taylor.”

“In that case, I forgive you. WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME?!” he asked.

“I don’t know… I guess I didn’t think about it. I’ve known Taylor since second grade so it really isn’t that big of a deal.” I replied.


“Shh, Louis, you’re creating a scene. And besides, it’s not like we did anything. We studied. I taught her about the laws of motion and simple things like that.”

“How were you so damn calm?! I don’t even know if I could’ve kept my hands off of her!”

I laughed once again, and suddenly, I heard someone saying my name behind me.

“Holy shit, mate, she’s saying your name.” Louis said.

I rolled my eyes at him, then turned around to face her.

She and Niall were walking towards me. Today, she was wearing a pair of nice jeans with comfortable heels, and a dressy shirt. Her hair was in it’s natural curl, and Niall was wearing jeans and his varsity jacket.

“Hey! I wanted to formally introduce you to Niall.” Taylor said, walking up to Louis and I. “So, Niall this is Harry. Styles, this is Niall.”

I stuck my hand out and shook his hand.

She still called me Styles. Why?! I hated that, honestly. My name is Harry.

Niall’s hand shake was firm, and it almost stood as sort of a “step away from my girlfriend” kind of shake.

“Nice to meet you, Niall.” I said.

“You too, Styles.” He replied.

“NO. Niall, only I can call him Styles! That’s MY nickname for him!” Taylor said in a playful whiney voice.

Niall smiled at her, then turned back to me. “Fine then, nice to meet you Harry.

I smiled, relieved that she wanted to be the only one to call me that.

“Are we still on for after school today?” Taylor asked.

I looked to Louis for approval. I owed him after ditching him yesterday.

He excitedly nodded.

“Yeah, sure.” I replied.

“My house again?” she asked.

“Yeah, that sounds good. Can I catch a ride with you again?”

“Of course! Always.” She said, digging in her purse and pulling out a plastic bag with leftover chocolate chip cookies inside. “We had some leftover cookies and my mom said to bring them to you.”

I anxiously took them out of her hand. “Thank you!”

“No problem!” she replied, smiling.

Niall pulled her close to him with force, almost as if to mark his territory. Did he not understand I wasn’t interested in stealing his girl…? I was simply tutoring her in science.

Suddenly, the bell rang and he took her hand, intertwining their fingers.

“I’ll see you later, Styles.” Taylor said, waving excitedly.

When she and Niall had walked away, Louis looked to me, his mouth open as wide as it could be.

“Holy SHIT, Harry, THAT JUST HAPPENED.” He said. “You just went from drool to cool in a matter of seconds.”

“Oh, shut up, Louis. It’s no big deal.” I said.

“Again with the no big deal?! Come on, Styles, we have to get to class.” He said, mimicking Taylor’s nickname for me.

I said nothing else as we walked to class.

After school, I found Taylor and Niall in the same place as yesterday, except now they were shoving their tongues down each other’s mouths.

I rolled my eyes at how obvious they were being, and before yesterday, I would’ve thought Taylor was a slut for doing such a thing in front of the entire school. But I knew better now. She was a sweet girl, and she was in love.

And besides, maybe I was a little jealous because I had never had a girlfriend in my 18 years of existence. I had never had a girl be interested in me. I hadn’t even been kissed yet. Gestures like those that Taylor and Niall were making was like them rubbing it in every single person’s face.

When they stopped making out, I approached Taylor and nervously asked for her keys. I didn’t like interrupting this.

She smiled and dug them out of her purse and was glad to give them to me. “I’ll be there in a minute, Styles. I need to go get my math book out of my locker before we leave.”

With that, I walked to her car and got inside, quickly starting the car.

Just as I was about to change the radio station, there was a loud knock at my window.

I looked out to see that it was Niall.

I rolled the window down so that I could hear what he had to say.

“Hey, Niall!” I said, smiling.

“Don’t smile at me, Styles. Listen up. You keep away from my girlfriend.” He said. “I will be sure to humiliate you if you try to make a move.”

I said nothing, but I made sure he knew I got the hint and I rolled up the window.

He disappeared within seconds, and soon I saw Taylor emerge from the doors of the school and make her way to the car.

I unlocked the doors and she placed her things in the back, then got into the driver’s seat.

“Sorry it took so long, Mrs. Smith stopped me in the hallway for a second.” She said, putting the car into reverse and backing out of her parking spot.

“It’s alright…” I said, still thinking about what Niall had just done.

“You okay, Styles?” Taylor asked, obviously noticing a change in my attitude.

“Yeah.. I just… Your boyfriend approached me.” I said.

Suddenly, Taylor slammed on her brakes, causing my head to fly forward. She looked terrified. Something was off about Niall, I just didn’t know what. But I was determined to find out.

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