6. Why Is He Here?

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 Taylor’s POV

When we reached the hospital, Harry took me over to some empty seats in the waiting room while my mother and Austin walked up to the front desk to get information on Niall.

Though Harry and I had only became good friends recently, we had known each other since the second grade, so when he offered me comfort, I gladly accepted. He held me close as I cried, and for a few moments I almost wished that I could tell him everything.

To be completely honest, I was scared to see Niall. What if he blamed the wreck on me? I knew the minute I saw his car that he was coming to see me. His house was on the other side of town, and there was no other reason for him to be in my neighborhood.

I remembered what Harry had said about Niall threatening him earlier, and my theories were validated. He was coming to spy on Harry and I. And he probably would’ve taken the fact that Harry and I did our studying on my bed as a suggestive move.

It was hard for me to think about what would have happened to Harry if he would’ve seen us.

Suddenly, I was taken back in time to a time where Niall had caught me speaking to a boy last year.

“How DARE you talk to my girlfriend!” Niall screamed, gripping the boys shirt tightly in his hands as he pulled him closer. “You’re going to pay.”

“NIALL. He didn’t do anything wrong!” I said, objecting.

“Shut the hell up, Taylor. I saw you two. He was trying to make a move.” He replied. “Now, if you would please leave, the boy has a beating coming.”

With that, he didn’t even wait for me to leave before Niall’s fist met the boy’s face.

I couldn’t stand to stay there and watch. I found myself trying to pull Niall off.

“Leave him alone!” I said, grabbing Niall’s arms and trying to pull him back from the boy.

What he did next was something that I wanted so desperately to forget, but I knew I couldn’t.

He started to take his anger out on me. His hand crossed my face, leaving me speechless. I knew there would be a mark, but before I could do anything, he grabbed my wrists tightly and pushed me away from him as hard as he could. I found myself in the hallway, my head bumping the floor hard.

It had been after school, so no one saw me as I stumbled out of the school and to my car.

That was the first of many times that Niall had hurt me. Sadly enough, that wasn’t even the worst he had done.

“Taylor, it’s not looking good.” My mom said, approaching Harry and I. “They’re not allowing any visitors until they have him stabilized, but I’ll stay here with you if you want to wait.”

I didn’t want to wait, but I knew it would be best if I did.

“And I’ll stay too, if you want.” Harry said, looking to me and my mom.

“Harry, thank you, but I’m sure your parents are worried about you. You should go home.” My mom said.

“My parents don’t care about what I do. They’re, uh, they’re at work until all hours of the night.” He replied, looking around nervously.

“I don’t know... Who knows how long we’ll be here. But I guess if Taylor wants you here, you can stay. Otherwise I can drive you home and Austin can stay here with Taylor.” My mom replied.

“That’s alright. I want him here.” I said, butting in.

“Well… Okay. I’m going to take Austin home so he can do his homework and get ready for bed. Will you two be okay without us?” she asked.

“Yes ma’am.” I replied, reaching to the side table to grab a kleenex.

“Alright. We’ll be back in a bit. I love you.” My mom said, hugging me before leaving.

“I love you, too.”

With that, Austin and my mom left.

Harry and I didn’t say anything for a few minutes as I blew my nose and calmed down a little.

“So, should we get some studying done while we wait…?” Harry asked, a silly smirk crossing his lips as he asked.

I let out a small laugh, and finally smiled for the first time in the last hour.

“Good one, Styles.” I replied.

“Hey, you’re smiling! That’s a good sign.” Harry said.

I looked up to him again and smiled. “Yeah, I guess it is.”

“Taylor… Don’t worry. Everything will be okay. Niall will make it through.” He said softly, stroking the top of my hand to reassure me.

I didn’t want him to be okay. I wanted him to suffer. Was that so wrong of me?

“How can you be so sure?” I asked, putting on an act.

“I saw the way Niall looked at me today when he threatened me. And I’ve seen him on the football field. He’s strong. He can get through it.” He replied.

Yeah, he’s strong alright. Stronger than you think…

“I know he’s strong… I just… I’m really worried, Harry.” I replied.

His face lit up.

“What…?” I asked, confused at how he could be so happy.

“You, uh, you didn’t call me Styles. You called me Harry.” He replied, looking to the floor and smiling like an idiot.

“Do you not like it when I call you Styles?” I asked.

“I didn’t say that. But, to be honest, if it was anyone but you who called me Styles, I would be annoyed.” He replied.

I laughed at his response, glad that he was here to make me happy.

I found myself wondering why I hadn’t become better friends with him before. We had known each other for years now, but we had never become friends. I already wished that we could’ve been better friends before now.

“I’ll keep that in mind.” I replied.

I looked around the waiting room at the sick people, and the families of injured people.

I wondered if any of them had a secret as big as mine. I wondered if any of them were hurting a hurt like mine.

Suddenly, I heard Niall’s name called by a nurse at the desk.

I stood up slowly, and felt Harry’s hand on my back.

“Do you want me to come with you?” he asked.

I nervously nodded my head and he stood up, walking with me to the desk.

“Hi, what is your relation to Mr. Horan?” the nurse asked as I approached.

“I-I’m his girlfriend.” I replied, nervously. “And he’s my support system.”

I pointed to Harry and his grip on my back got tighter.

“Here. Put these wristbands on. He wants to see you.” The nurse said, handing Harry and I a hospital band.

We slipped them around our wrists, and the nurse opened the door for us, leading us up and down hallways that seemed never ending.

Eventually, we reached a room and the nurse slowly opened the door.

“Mr. Horan, she’s here.” She said.

I couldn’t make out what he said, but I knew he had said something. His voice was raspy.

The nurse turned out, letting Harry and I in.

“Hi, babe.” I said, walking to him and taking his hand carefully.

But he instantly pulled his hand away and spoke.

“What the hell is he doing here?”

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