22. A Kiss

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Louis’ POV

What the fuck was Niall doing here?!

I wanted nothing more than to punch in his face, but I knew I couldn’t. But I could do something even more impacting.

“I’ll, uh, leave you two alone.” I said, sneaking out behind Niall.

I knew that Harry probably didn’t appreciate that, but it was for the best.

“Excuse me ma’am, is there an active security guard on duty?” I asked the first nurse I saw.

“Yes sir. Can I help you with something?” she asked back politely.

“Uh, yeah, there’s a wanted man in my best friend’s room… I’m afraid he’ll hurt him again.” I replied.

The nurse’s face went from happy to terrified in a matter of seconds.

“Keep the man there, I’ll get security right away.” She said, taking off.

I walked back to Harry’s room and waited outside.

I could hear the two of them arguing back and forth about something, but I couldn’t quite make out their words.

I knew Niall was saying things to make Harry feel bad about himself. It was the only thing Niall ever did and I wished that I could burst in the door and stop him, but I couldn’t.

A few moments later, a few police men came up behind me.

“Sir, could you please back up.” One said.

I quickly did as they said, anxious for them to get into Harry’s room and take Niall at.

They soon did and they had Niall in cuffs within seconds.

Niall tried to fight against them, but he was nothing compared to the force of the officers.

They took him out of Harry’s room and that was the end of it.

I slowly walked into Harry’s room, arms crossed. I approached his bed side and he had his hands buried into his face.

“I really fucked things up, Louis.” He said, not lifting his head up.

“No you didn’t. You had no idea Niall would do this.” I replied, putting a reassuring hand on his arm.

“But if I would’ve gotten closer to Taylor sooner, none of this would’ve ever happened. She never would’ve been with Niall. She never would’ve had to go through the horrific things she’s had to go through with him. There are still things I’m trying to find out about him.” Harry said, looking up at me slightly.

“What do you mean?” I asked, sitting at the edge of his bed.

“I mean Niall has always been a horrible person. We just never knew it. He still is a bad person. Louis… I have to get something off of my chest, but you can’t tell anyone.” He said.

Why was he even considering the fact that I would tell his secret? He knew I wouldn’t.

“I won’t.” I replied.

“Niall… Niall abused… well, abuses… Niall abuses Taylor. And he was coming over to talk to her and I was there. We were baking. I hid in the closet when the doorbell rang because Taylor could see through the window that it was Niall. Our baking got a little out of hand and he saw the mix on Taylor and knew I was there somewhere.” He started.

I could tell it was difficult for him to talk about, but he kept going anyway.

“He grabbed her and she screamed. I thought he was going to hit her again like I’ve seen many times before. But when I exited the closet, he had the gun pointed at her head. I’ve never been so scared in my entire life. I knew that if he simply pulled the trigger she’d be gone. I don’t know what I would’ve done with myself. I know you’ve never been in love with anyone, but is it crazy to think that I already love her…? She’s everything I ever could’ve dreamed of.”

If only he knew…

“I don’t think it’s crazy. I don’t think it makes a difference whether or not you’ve been close with someone for a few weeks or if you’ve been close to someone for as long as you could remember. Love is love.” I replied.

A smile crossed Harry’s face.

“Ya know, you’re right.” He replied.

Without thinking, I found myself leaning in.

In a matter of seconds, our lips were touching.

There was absolutely nothing special about it. Harry’s had no passion at all. I was a fucking idiot. He’d never love me.

I stood up, awkwardly wiping my lips.

“You know what, I gotta go.” Was all I could say.

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