Chapter -2

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As soon as I am about to rest my phone on the table, unsurprisingly, it rings again. And my temper is rising. AGAIN.


Come on Dani. Collect yourself.

I answer.

"Hello." I say. My voice as calm as it can be.

"Hey, why weren't you taking my calls?"

"I didn't have my phone on me." I lie.

"So you are saying a ghost cut my calls then?"

"How many times did you even call?" I ask even though I know the exact answer.

"One hundred and thirty three." I say in my mind with her.

"DUDE, that's a lot. Nick must have cut them. He was studying. Why'd you call so much anyway?"

"Nothing, we hadn't talked in days and it's just that usually you pick up my calls on the first ring so I got a little worried."

"Relax sweetie, what is the worse that could've happened? My phone could have broken, nothing much, OK?"

"You could've been in an accident, you could have been dead for all I know!"

"Oh my god, calm down. I'm fine. Everything is okay." Nothing is more than okay though. But she is being very sweet so I'm just gonna keep my anger in for right now. She is so concerned about me.

"Okay. Anyways, where have you been these days?"

"Umm, home. Where else?" I say in a duh voice.

I know the real answer to what she is asking but I like this answer better.

"No I mean why aren't you coming for classes?"

She is shooting straight.

"Nothing much, I just didn't feel like coming"

"Didn't feel like coming? For classes? You? Come on! Even you know that is impossible. Seriously what happened."

"No I genuinely didn't feel like coming"

"And what about creating the perfect first impression. It's just the second month of school and you are bunking?"

I'm not really bunking but she doesn't know that. No one from my old school does. Except Sam. Samantha. My best friend from what feels like years ago. Well it has been three years. My thought bubble is broken when Kelsey speaks again.

"That's not you, Dani."

She doesn't have the right to tell me who I am. I'm really trying to keep my cool.

"Chill out, dude. I mailed the school. No one's impression is getting spoiled, certainly not mine."

"What did you even mail?"

"Jeez! How am I supposed to know what my dad wrote?" I'm irritated.

"Your dad allowed you to bunk? He doesn't even let you take a wedding leave. Who are you kidding Dani?"

I know! She is right! I'm so stupid! Why on earth will dad ever allow me to bunk. And how the fuck will I convince her he did.

"Sorry. I wrote the mail. I wrote some 5 day anniversary celebration shit. And the teachers aren't asking where I am, are they? Cause they know, because of the mail, that I sent."

"No no no, wait, all the teachers don't remember the leave notice they get from the headmistress. And come to think of it, not one teacher has even said your name accidentally. Not even during attendance. It's like they striked out you name."

Well they probably did. I'm just making the situation worse with whatever I am saying.

"I'm sure that the fourth name is still mine. They all remember cause I called them to ask what they will be covering in the first five days. I don't feel like going for classes but I haven't yet given up on studies."

"You could've called me. I could have given you all the notes and the work we have done."

"It's ok honey. I got the work done. That is more than enough."

"And why didn't you tell me you were gonna be on a pretend leave. I could've given you company."

"Well, I didn't want your company or I would've asked for it, alright?" My tone is frustrated, which surely won't go unnoticed by the great Kelsey. She knows me just so well, after all.

"Hey, hey, what's with the yelling?"

I'm going nuts.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to."

"Dan, what is going on? You can tell me. You know that, right?"

"I know." I don't really but I don't wanna deal with it just yet. "It's just..... you know what.. just forget it. I'll call you later, all right?"

"But Dan..."

"I'm sorry, but I really gotta go. Bye."

I don't wait for a reply. I just disconnect the call. It's all I can do at the moment.

Author's Note

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