Chapter - 4

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I can't think straight. I text Maddy again.

*Dani transferred schools.*

No reply

*Without telling us.*

No reply again.

*Where are you??*

*In shock. I know about it.*

*What do you mean you know? Why didn't you tell me?*

*I didn't know until five minutes ago. While you were calling Zaira I thought I would ask other people if they knew about Dani.*


*And Sam knew.*

*What do you mean Sam knew?*

*I mean she told Sam and not us.*

*How could she do that? Why would she do that?*

*Kels, relax.*

*I'm gonna call Sam.*

*Kels please don't do something you will regret.*

*I won't. I'll be careful. Ok bye.*

I dial Sam's number and I have to try very hard not to break my phone.

"Hey." Her voice is cheery as ever. She was a very good friend of mine, once upon a time.

"Hi Sam, you free?" I ask. My tone is intimidating.

"I got a few minutes." She doesn't seem intimidated. Why is she not intimidated?

"Do you know why Dani hasn't been coming for classes?"

"Why is everyone asking me the same thing. I'm sure Maddy repeated all my words to you like a tape recorder and I'm really not interested in repeating myself so swallow your pride and do us both a favour, Kels."

"Listen, I haven't talked to Maddy and even if I had why she would repeat your conversation to me, I don't understand cause she is certainly not my personal spy. I'm just asking you about Dani cause you guys are close and she isn't taking my calls, I mean her cell is going straight to voicemail. I thought you might know so I'm asking cause I'm worried about her. So instead of arguing why don't you just tell me where she is."

"Ok then, listen cause I'm not gonna repeat myself again. Dani told me that she switched schools. She has left Lakewood and is now attending Springfield now. She said she did this because of financial stuff and she is kinda embarrassed about it so don't mention that to her. But personally I think it wasn't her dad who made her leave."

She stops talking.

"Well, continue. Why did you stop talking?"

"Well, that is it."

"No, why do you think it wasn't her dad's decision."

"Umm, because our fees increases pretty much every year by a thousand or two and her dad asked her twice to transfer in seventh as well." I did not know that. "But when she said no, he didn't bring it up again, probably until now. And he won't really have transferred her if she was not happy with it."

"So, why do you think she said yes now?" I'm calm now. I'm trying to be understanding.

"I mean there could only be one explanation..." I'm waiting for Sam to continue. "...she herself wanted to change schools."


"Well for her, Springfield is closer to home. That is the only thing I can think of. Or maybe she wasn't liking it here."

"She wasn't liking it here. She has been loving it for six years and now she stops liking it. She has so many fucking friends here, how could she just leave it all. Ok leave friends, I mean she was the topper in academics. She had her music and dance for extracurriculars. She was on a varsity school sports team. She was on the way to probably being the head girl for fucks sake. She wont just throw it all away just because she wasn't liking it here after six years."

"Well I don't know what was going on in her mind when she made the decision and I didn't wanna pry so I didn't really ask her. So why don't you just forgive me for opening my mouth and go ask her yourself.... Oh right. She isn't taking your calls. That is why you are talking to me because why else would you talk to me? I am a fun killer and a studious bitch and not appropriate and fit for the 'Divergent Squad' your so called friend circle and what not...."

She is crying. I wanna console her, be nice. But my nice quota is full for the day. I can't take it anymore. So instead I decide to yell because I need to get my frustration out before I talk to Dani. Going ballistic on her isn't gonna help my case. As it is I'm probably never gonna talk to Sam again. Sam is still blabbering about something.

".....maybe Dani didn't wanna be in your friend circle anymore. Maybe she didn't find you guys fit enough to hang out with her or maybe...."

"Sam just shut the fuck up. I stopped asking for your opinion a long time ago and I don't need it now. I'm just gonna talk to Dani myself. Bye. Have a nice fucking..."

The call is disconnected before I can finish. Well I'm thankful cause I couldn't handle anymore of her bullshit. I gotta call Dani.

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