Chapter 10

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The sirens rang loudly down the street as they approached. I sat on the floor, holding Gideon. As soon as I shot the gun, I collapsed. Gideon, still fine thankfully, came over and sat with me. We heard movement downstairs. I got up and made my way to the door. I stumbled and a hand shot out and steadied me. I looked up to see a familar face, it was the police man who helped me with my parents so many years ago.

"Johnny!" I hugged him. He stiffened but relaxed a little. He carefully unattached himself from me. He proceeded to the man who may very well be dead. I followed him and crouched next to him, "Is he dead?" Johnny checked the pulse, he nodded. I breathed out in relief. Johnny got up and checked Gideon for injuries. Gideon just had a few scratches thankfully. He checked me next. I knew I had a few bad scratches but that was it.

I glanced at Gideon, "Gideon, it's time." He nodded. I grabbed my gun, and headed back to my car.

"Wait! Rhynna.. what if, I came with you?" Gideon called after me. He stopped in front of me.

I looked at him and smiled sadly, "Gideon.. I would love that, but you have to stay here. You have a job and a life here. I don't, I promise I'll visit soon though, okay?" He dropped his gaze. I grabbed his hands, I smiled at him sadly before retreating to my car and closing the door. I didn't want to leave. I really didn't. But I needed to if I ever wanted to get out of there. I drove him in utter silence. I arrived home and placed my keys on my table. I heard footsteps, I whipped around to see Kayden.



"So, you actually left a little after I left the first time and arrived here to find no one home?" I asked.

"Yeah, I actually tried to call you a few times, I was worried."

"I'm sorry. Gideon is like my dad. No, he is my dad. Any dad I've ever had anyway. He texted me that something seemed wrong, so I rushed there to find him in his house with two guys with guns."

"You're alright though, right?"

"Do you think I would be here if I wasn't?"

"Sorry, making sure." He chuckled, placing his hand on mine.

I smiled sadly, "I hate to just leave him like that, but if I didn't leave then, I never would have left. Do me a favor, when you go back, check up on him often for me. I worry about him."

Kayden smiled, "Of course I will." I nodded and went into the kitchen. I sat at the table and sighed deeply. "Are you injured at all?" He asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little tired and all. A lot of driving, in such a short amount of time." I replied, then I passed out.


"Yes, I swear. She's fine. Doc said she is just a little over-tired and dehydrated. I swear." The voice paused, "Yes," Another pause, "No. Okay, okay, I gotta go. Yes, I will tell you if anything changes. Okay, goodbye." My eyes stung as I tried to open my eyes. I managed to crack them up. It was veey bright, so I closed them again. My head was pounding. God, this was the worst headache ever. I finally managed to open my eyes and they adjusted quickly. Kayden was standing there, hands on his hips, staring out the window. I tried to say his name but my throat felt thick and groggy. I struggled to adjust myself, but everything felt heavy.

I finally found my voice and managed to ask, "What happened?" Kayden's eyes snapped to me. He rushed to my side.

"Rhynna! You're awake!" He cried. I blinked and nodded.

"What happened?" I repeated.

"Oh, right. You just passed out at your house, so I took you here. The doc says you were just over-tired and dehydrated."

"How long was I out?"

"About 16 hours. Its 1pm."

"Shit! My shift started like 3 hours ago!"

"You are in the hospital, I called you in sick." I sighed in relief. I moaned and rubbed my head. "Pain?" He asked concerned. I grimaced and nodded. "Yeah, you fell pretty hard."

"I did?"

"Yeah, you hit your head on a chair as you fell." I nodded carefully.

"Does Gideon know?"

He nodded, "He wanted to come here, I refused to let him. I assured him I would take care of you." I nodded my thanks and tried to sit up, "Woah, no. You keep that ass in that bed. You will hurt yourself trying to get up." I groaned and crossed my arms in frustration. He opened the door and yelled for a doctor. He came and sat by my bed and held my hand. A doctor came in and told me what happened, what he suggested I do, and a lot of other stuff that I didn't care about. Finally, he left and Kayden looked at me. "Ready to go home?"

Bum bum bum! Another chapter, sorry it took me sooo long to update.. school is hectic. Anyhow, enjoy! Only 5 more chapters of this book.

So, savor it.. but I have like 3 other books I started writing and I am trying to write a few chapters a head so I will upload them later on.

Maybe when I finish this book.... but anyway, for any of you that actually read this, leave me a vote, comment, or follow me! Comment Blue Cows if you actually read this... haha... See you next time!

And smile and enjoy spring (:



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