chapter 1

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"You got to hurry before I get caught, Mikey!"

"So what? I wouldn't mind it."

You were hanging from your bedroom's balcony, Mikey was underneath you trying to brace your fall. He had his long tan arms in the air motioning for you to jump in them. After all the thousands of times, you did this it was still rocky. You and Mikey haven't perfected the routine yet. You would think the more you snuck out of your own house you would have perfected it by now.

"Just jump baby..."

"I'm six feet in the air!" You shrieked out, You had your back facing him. Your attention was constantly going back and forth from Mikey and your bedroom door. The house was big enough that no one could hear what was going on but your older brother had a habit of coming into your room unannounced.

"I got you. Have I ever let you fall before?"

You thought back on the times that you were together. Not once has he ever put you in danger...well not intentionally but he would always protect you. You are always left unscathed from dangerous situations. "Okay, I'm letting go.." The cold feeling of the rail left your embrace, your feet were no longer planted on the other side of the balcony. You were free-falling six feet in the air. Your eyes remained closed until you felt his muscular arms around your body.

"I told you that I got you." You opened your eyes to see his soulless black eyes that you admired so much. That iconic smirk that you loved was as well. 'Why is he so perfect?'

"Come on, we'll be late."

After gracefully putting you on your feet, you both ran in the direction of his bike. It was too loud for him to pull in your driveway so he tends to park down the street so your parents wouldn't awake from his engine roaring.

Mikey helped you onto his CB205T. It was his favorite bike out of all of them. This was the only bike of his that he would never let you drive. You would beg him to let  you drive it but he would say 'I don't want you getting hurt.' You rolled your eyes at the thought.

He placed his old helmet on your head, tying it tightly, he gave you a small pat on the head. You smiled sweetly back at him, he was so cute and kind. It was the small gestures that he did that made you fall even more in love with him.

Mikey sped off towards the destination. He never told you where you were going, he only said get ready by 11 pm and don't ask any further questions. Lately, this has been a recurring event, Mikey has made it your thing. He'd pick you up, drive around on his bike for a few minutes so you both could see the city lights then he would take you somewhere random. It always ends up being the best night of your life.

"Hey, we're here." You lifted your head from his shoulders blades, It was your way of keeping things from flying into your eyeballs. You were in an abandoned parking lot which was odd, there was no human activity, barely any street lights, however, there was a great view from where you stood. This abandoned parking lot was above a cliff, it leads out to the city of Tokyo.

"Wow, this is amazing."

"I found it and thought you would like it. You can see everything from this view. If you look towards the right you can see the cherry blossom trees. They're in season."

"Really!?" You took a look towards the right, there were rows of cherry blossom trees lined up with small humans taking pictures. A river not too far away from the trees, it was filled with the petals of the cherry blossoms. "That's so freaking beautiful. How could such an antiromantic be romantic?"

You caught him rolling his eyes, he threw a quick yet soft jab in your ribs.

"You're annoying," he muttered out. Although it came out dry you knew he would never call you that intentionally.

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