chapter 8

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* I just want to say that I haven't read the manga so the story is spoiler-free!!*

"Are you ready?" Mikey asked.

You didn't reply verbally, you nodded your head. It was the day of the date, it was two days later. You met up with Mikey at the park since both of your parents were home. Your dad and mom were still not talking to one another but at least they were now sleeping in the same bedroom.

Mikey led the way, you both were walking beside one another. It was quite chilly, the wind was blowing a lot that day. You only thought that you were going to ice cream but you found yourself at a bookstore. When walking into the bookstore the warm air of the store caused goosebumps to appear on your skin. You and Mikey were the only ones there, you guys had the entire store to yourself.

"I thought you hated bookstores." You nudged him on his shoulder, he chuckled deeply. The only type of books that Mikey loved to read were ones that had more pictures than words. While doing the reading assignments for school you had to sit there and force him to read each sentence, it was quite a challenge.

He nudged you back with his elbow, "Today isn't about me it's about you."

"So you don't mind if I spend the entire day here." You twirled around in a slow circle, an eyebrow lifted when you asked him that question. He was now sitting on the bean bag chair with a graphic comic book in his hands.

He only shrugged his shoulders, he used the book to hide the blush that was on his face, "I don't mind at all."

You took that answer and ran with it, the first aisle you checked out was romance, there wasn't much in there that interested you. Mostly chick flick things which weren't your type of books. There were a few horror books in the corner of the store, when walking towards it you noticed that Mikey was nowhere to be found. The comic he once had was in the chair that he was sitting in.

"Mikey?" You called out, his head popped out of an aisle, he looked like a cute puppy waiting for a treat. You walked over to see him reading a book, it was a martial arts book.

"Is it interesting? You asked, he nodded his head.

"It's okay, did you find anything?"

"No, they didn't have any good romance books, I'm thinking about looking over at the horror books."

"Why so you can be scared shitless and beg me to stay on the phone with you, it's not that I don't mind but I wouldn't recommend a horror book. "

You pushed him away from you, his laugh filled the room. It caused you to laugh out as well, it felt like how things used to be for a moment. Both of you laughing and being comfortable with one another, it felt good.

"You ass!"

"Hurry up before the ice cream shop closes." He laughed, you smacked him with a book from the shelf.

He dodged your attempts of hitting him with the books, he ran towards the bean bag jumping over them like it was nothing.

"You idiot!"


After leaving the bookstore Mikey led you to the ice cream shop. After looking for a few more minutes you still couldn't find anything, the book store had nothing that you liked. It was getting quite late outside, the sun was finally setting. The ice cream shop was surrounded by lights that hung off the trees, there were also picnic tables where you could sit and eat. You both sat at the table farthest away from people, you were more surrounded by trees and lights.

"What flavor do you want?" Mikey asked.

"Surprise me."

"I'd rather not, if I come back with a flavor that you hate then we'd both be screwed."

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