I Haven't Been Gone For That Long, Have I?

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Unfortunately, this strangeness only continued.

 As they walked through Yokohama to the Port Mafia buildings, Higuchi and Akutagawa stuck as close to Chuuya as possible. Higuchi yelling at any passerbys who stared too long and Akutagawa casually using his skill, Rashomon, to knock whatever happened to be in their path to a side -- be it person or thing.

"I didn't realize how beloved you are by your subordinates, Chuuya." Mary said pleasantly as she watched this all unfold. 

"Er," Chuuya said, lowering his hat slightly over his face, "Yeah, I guess."

This was odd. This was really odd.

Had something happened to these two while he was away? For goodness sake, Higuchi was treating Chuuya like how she would treat Akutagawa! She practically showered him with compliments when all he did was cross the street without getting run over.

"With such grace and beauty!" she said, sparkles in her eyes, "Chuuya-san! You truly are the best at crossing the street."

And Akutagawa was even stranger.

"Please compliment me." he said at an intersection.


Akutagawa glanced down, a focused look overcoming his usually vacant eyes. 

He tightly clenched his fists, "If you acknowledge my strength Chuuya-san...it would be all I need..."

Chuuya stared for a solid moment. Slowly, he rose his hand, then slapped the guy across the face.

"What the hell?" Chuuya barked out, "Why are you talking to me like I'm that lunatic Dazai? Eh?"

Akutagawa's fingers twitched up to where Chuuya had hit him. Inexplicably, he started tearing up again. 

"Stop it already, Senpai!" Higuchi shouted, flailing about, "Not in front of Chuuya-san! Not again!"

Oh come on, Chuuya thought, backing up a bit. He was a little more than weirded out by that point. I haven't been gone for  that long, have I? 

Perhaps this was all some elaborate prank?

Dimly, in the back of his mind, he thought of Dazai. He quickly dismissed that notion however. Yes, Dazai did like messing with him. But surely that man had more important things to be doing at that oh-so-great Armed Detective Agency of his.

For at least the third time today, Chuuya found himself shaking his head.

Hopefully answers would await him at the mafia...

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