A Party To Crash

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Dazai was in danger.

His head felt light, eyes dry. It was only a matter of time before he was sure to depart from this world for good. He would never get a chance to buy Atsushi a cat bed for Christmas of dress up as Chuuya for Halloween.

Yes, that was right. At that very moment, Dazai was suffering from the most serious of ailments. 

Inconceivable boredom. 

The most painful way to die. Definitely not a viable method of suicide.

Presently, Dazai was sitting across from Francis Scott Fitzgerald in a lavishly decorated office, smiling politely despite the fact that internally he was banging his head against a wall.

Negotiations had been entertaining at first. Dazai was barely able to contain his laughter as Fitzgerald very seriously went over how Chuuya could be the face of the Guild. But then that conversation somehow ended up transitioning to how the gold standard could be reinvented based on Chuuya's motorcycle and Dazai quickly lost interest.

Ugh, if only the pint-sized man in question was here -- then this wouldn't be nearly as much of a drag. 

Instead of Dazai's main strategy being wait-until-Fitz-is-done-ranting-then-make-his-point, the two of them could have done a whole Good-Cop, Bad-Cop routine and when that inevitably didn't work -- blow the Guild's prison doors wide open and save their subordinates.

Much simpler, much more fun.

But nooo, the Port not-Chuafia just had to break Fyodor out of jail. The whole situation was icky. The thought of Nakahara being with that conceited bastard while Dazai sat half a city away was more than just a little bothersome. 

Truth was, back at the apartment, the instant Chuuya mentioned Fyodor's name Dazai had already guessed what was going to go down between the two.

Knowing Fyodor, that rat had managed to twist his newfound feelings for the gravity-manipulator to formulate a villainous ploy. A ploy that involved pretending to know how to fix this fiasco and proposing some deal that would end with Dazai's head on a platter. And Chuuya...

...Chuuya would agree to it.

It wouldn't be anything personal, of course. Dazai figured that Chuuya just probably cared a lot more about the entirety of Yokohama than the one person who repeatedly trolled him. 

And that was fine, Dazai could respect that. Admire it, even. Chuuya's fierce sense of loyalty towards those he loved had always been one of his brighter aspects. He would do anything for them, even if that meant teaming up with a monster.

Although -- when Dazai had first reached this conclusion, he was very tempted to barricade Chuuya's door and absolutely destroy whoever tried to get to him.  But logically, he knew if Chuuya hadn't gone on the date, an even bigger disaster was sure to happen. So what other choice did he have but to let him go?

Yeah...Chuuya being swayed by the rat's words and knifing Dazai in the back. That would be the best outcome.

Dazai would have to solve this mystery on his own, but at least Chuuya would be safe.

I'm certain, Dazai thought, Chuuya will agree to Fyodor's plan. He has to agree. Because if that quarrelsome ginger doesn't go along with whatever Fyodor has in mind...

... who knew what that devil would do to him?

A part of him nagged that it was a silly, unintelligent thing to be concerned about. His calculations were usually correct, there was only a small chance that Chuuya would do something stupidly dangerous for his sake. But still.

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