Prefrence: Frienship

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~Tyler Jones~
- You guys met your first year at the Aurora Academy
-You had math classes together, later on had required science classes together
-Became friends because you guys vibed really well, and he always sat next to you during lectures
-Lots of '(Y/N) no' on Tyler's end, but he always found your antics charming
-Lots of going out to get lunch as you got older
-Convincing him to do reckless things because Goldenboy would never do anything to break the rules, at least not until you give him a little push
-Scarlett tries to get you to help her guilt Tyler into doing things because he never could say no to you AND his sister, that's like a crime or something
-Makes you work out with him sometimes, but secretly, no matter how much you hate it, you enjoy it just a little bit because deep down you just love spending time with Tyler
-Spam texting in the middle of the night, and him being confused when he wakes up because of the 864 missed texts. He is the Goldenboy, and he has a self imposed bedtime

~Scarlett Jones~
-You met while Scarlett was out shopping with Cat
-You complimented her outfit, and she complimented your hair
-That turned into a 30 minute conversation, and an agreement to meet for lunch sometime
-You find out she's not just a pretty face
-She finds out your also more than a pretty face
-Immediately bond. Instant friendship
-Will always do your hair, makeup, and put you in outfits she comes up with, gender be damned. Guy, Gal, or Non-binary Pal, she's convinced you will look great in anything
-Always down for last minute adventures
-Late Night conversations are a must
-Will walk to your dorm in the middle of the night just to continue the text conversation IRL, and she brings Cat
-You asking Scarlett to teach you swear words in other languages because our girl knows multiple languages
-Nights out with Scarlett, Cat, and whoever Scarlett is dating at the moment
-Talking about romantic interests with Scarlett and Cat
-Dad jokes. Everywhere. All the time. They're dumped out of your brains and spill onto the floor
-Would definitely help you with ANYTHING no questions asked. Would lie to the government for you

~Cat Brannock~
-You were the new bartender at her favorite bar on the station
-She didn't recognize you
-Intrigued by the mysterious newcomer
-Found out your on the station because one of your parents worked as a member of the Legion
-Quickly became her favorite
-Bought her a drink a couple times, but in a friendly way
-Her coming in to see you, but totally just to drink, definitely not trying to see you at all
-She invites you to come fly with her sometime, and you take that offer
-It's fun and also the most terrified you've ever been in your entire life. The 'Crying on a rollercoaster and then wanting to do it again immediately' kinda fun
-Walking around with Cat is like walking with a scary dog, no one bothers you. You're not complaining. She's your scary dog named Cat
-She's very calm, but also the personification of destruction all at once. She's very chill, but she does a lot of things out of spite, and will do small things to annoy people she doesn't like. Not ruining their lives, but slightly inconveniencing them
-Her convincing you to get at least one tattoo
-Her talking about her crush on Tyler
-Encouraging her to ask him out
-Her being to scared to ask him
-Meeting Tyler and immediately understanding the appeal and the anxiety
-Scarlett taking an immediate liking to you because Cat doesn't like anyone, so you must be special
-She's the friend that doesn't sleep, but also doesn't live off caffeine

-Kallis Gilwraeth~
-You met Kal in gym class when he first joined the Aurora Legion
-You picked him first in capture the flag because he looked strong
-He seemed scary at first, but you would always be partnered up, and you'd always pick each other first for teams when you were captains, and eventually you became good friends
-Kal is very interested in the things you talk about because he's never heard of some them before. Sometimes it was like you were speaking another language
-He would quickly pick up on what you were talking about after awhile. If you talked about a book, tv series, or any form of media he would make note of some key things about it in his head
-Didn't strike you as a good listener, but everyone is full of surprises
-He remembers things about people, and you love it because when you talk about other people he'll ask how they are, or he'll find something from one of your recent obsessions and show it to you
-He appreciates that you listen to him rant about anything and everything. He has a lot of pent up anger, and rather than letting him bottle it up and boil over, you let him get whatever he needs to off his chest
-You got him a punching bag as a gift one time
-Bailing him out after someone picked a fight with him and got their ass handed to them
-Sitting in the infirmary with him while they check and make sure he didn't hurt himself

~Finian De Karran De Seel~
-Met on a holiday break when you were supposed to be home, but instead stayed at the Academy
-Ran into each other in the lab
-You both asked each other what the other was doing there
-Had seen him in class a couple times, always wanted to talk to him, thought he would bite your head off or something
-You enjoy his sarcasm immediately
-You both end up spending the whole day talking in the lab
-You both always talk about how hot the Jones twins are
-Always bouncing ideas off each other
-Simultaneously both extremely intelligent, but also take turns with the half of a brain cell that you share
-Helping him work on the suit when he can't get to his room to fix it in zero-g
-Unintentional sleepovers because it gets so late when your hanging out that it's not even worth walking back to your own rooms
-Talking about the teachers you don't like because you can
-His fashion sense is everything, but doesn't wear anything other than sweats and a hoodie outside of class most of the time
-He's the monster energy drink in the coffee kind of friend
-Weird late night conversations about the most insane things ex) hypothetically moving in and getting a dog together in the future, after the whole Aurora Legion thing
-He really just wants a hug sometimes, and really just wants to lay around and watch movies with you
-Possible blanket forts
-Shockingly, he's met dogs in space, and he's come to love dogs. He thinks they're neat and would like one eventually

~Aurora Lie Jin O'Malley~
-Met after Tyler brought her in from the Hadfield
-You sat and talked to her for awhile after she woke up
-You were roped into Squad 312's shenanigans, and you were now one of them
-Aurora introduces you to tea (the beverage)
-Tells you about what life was like in her time
-Telling her she sounds like a grandma
-Random hugs because she appreciates you being there for her
-Asks you to watch old movies with her
-You actually really like them. 12/10
-She introduces everyone to old slang
-She's said the word bestie way too many times
-She'll ask you to race her, knowing she'll win because she did track in high school
-Physically she's there, Mentally, she's thinking about all the tv shows and movies she missed in cryosleep
-Missed the series finale of her favorite show
-It's okay, you make Fin find the show, and everyone spends way too long watching it, gets invested, and you're all disappointed by the ending
-It ended with the main character dying and then just went downhill. They all just died after that

~Zila Madran~
-Met in detention
-Zila didn't seem like the type to cause trouble
-Then you found out about her
-Every teacher's worst nightmare
-You were caught giving someone homework answers
-Zila was very cold. She didn't talk too much, very analytical, cold, uncaring on the surface
-She warmed up a little once you got to know her. She was still very emotionless on the surface, but you knew deep down she cared
-You knew because of the things she would ask, or the ways she would express things ex) asking how your day was, remembering small things, helping you study, walking together to classes
-Like Kal in the way she remembers the details
-She loves ice cream, and you guys would sneak ice cream from the cafeteria freezer
-She helps you get back at people who wronged you
-You help her hide some of her less allowable experiments

Authors Note: Hi, this is my first time writing fanfic, so please go easy on me. I'm still learning. Also happy Pride (I started this in June, and it's July now, but happy Pride anyways. It doesn't have to be June for us to be proud)

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