Preference: When they realized they had feelings for you

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~Tyler Jones~
You and Tyler had been hanging out in his room one Saturday because your roommate had someone over, and asked if you could find somewhere else to hang out for the day. You knew you couldn't win that argument, and asked Tyler if you could hang out. Tyler said yes, and you had been lounging around watching tv when you stole the remote. You got up, and he jumped up after you. "Give it back!" He said, and smiled as he grabbed your arms.
You shoved it in your back pocket, and smiled. He let go of your arms, and reached to grab it, but you got it out of your pocket before he could. You held it above your head, and tried to keep it away from him. He held both your wrists together, and pushed you back onto the bed.
"Ty, you're a jackass." You said to him.
He didn't pay attention to what you were saying. He was to busy staying at your face. He had never really noticed how beautiful you were before. Your smile, your eyes, your laugh, your voice. He suddenly came to a realization.
'Holy shit, I'm in love with you.' He thought while he stared at you.
What felt like hours of him staring at you was just merely seconds before he grabbed the remote, smiled, and helped you up. "I win." Tyler said, and you both say back down to watch TV.

~Scarlett Jones~
Scarlett had just ended yet another one of her relationships, and wanted to hang out to celebrate her newfound availability. She insisted on having a night in with you and Cat, knowing you wouldn't say no.
After awhile of hanging out Cat asked her a question. "So why'd you end it with this one?"
"I don't know." Scarlett said. "Something just didn't feel right. He was really sweet, but we just didn't click."
"I understand that." You said. "It's why I gave up on dating awhile ago."
"What? You're like totally dateable." Scarlett said. She then looked at you, and thought about what she said. "I'd date you." She said, and you laughed a little.
"Thanks, but I don't think you actually would." You said, and Scarlett shoved your shoulder.
'I'd sure as hell try.' Scarlett thought. 'You're perfect.' She then found herself smiling as she listened to you talking about something that happened in class the other day. 'I'd listen to you all day if I could.' She then realized it: you clicked, and something felt right when you were together.

~Cat Brannock~
You'd invited Cat to go to a painting class with you one weekend, and as reluctant as she was, she went. She knew it would make your day if she went with you.
You sat down, and started talking. "So you like painting?" Cat asked, and smiled.
"Yeah." You said. "I'd do it more often if I could." You told her.
"Would you ever paint me?" Cat asked.
"Duh." You said, laughing. "I'd totally paint you, you're magnificent. It'd definitely be fun with you having so many tattoos." You told her.
They then told you guys that you'd be painting the person next to you, and that meant you'd be painting Cat and she'd be painting you. "I should probably tell you art isn't my thing." Cat said, laughing nervously.
"It's okay. It's just for fun." You told her. "Besides, you're already a work of art." You said, and began sketching her.
Cat looked at you and smiled. She thought you were cute when you concentrated, and she didn't mind that you were staring at her and examining every detail. She also didn't mind doing the same to you.
A little later you both had finished painting, and you showed it to each other. "Wait, I love it." You said to Cat. "It's so cute." You smiled, and she looked at you painting.
"I love yours." Cat said, and smiled. "You even got my 700 ear piercings."
You smiled, and walked out of the class, walking to go get lunch, and it slipped into her thoughts smooth as butter. 'I love them.'

~Kallis Gilwraeth~
You had invited Kal to the movie night the academy organized in the observatory. You weren't sure if he'd show, but to your surprise he did. "You actually showed! I'm impressed." You said smiling.
"It's rude to refuse an invitation." He said, smiling softly.
"I already have the perfect spot, come sit." You said, and walked through the observatory, stepping over people, and apologizing in the process.
"So what exactly do Terrans do for movie nights?" Kal asked.
"Well, we make fun of whatever movie it is that they're showing, if it's bad of course." You told him. "If it meets the criteria of a good movie I will tell you, but I will also tell you if we can make fun of the movie. I got you."
Kal smiled, and looked a you. "You're so strange, (Y/N)."
"Duh, what else am I supposed to be? Normal's boring." You said with a mouthful of popcorn.
The movie began, and you smiled recognizing it. The room immediately was filled with teenagers singing along to a classic, Hercules, of course.
"Do we make fun of the movie?" Kal asked chuckling.
"No, this is a classic." You told him, smiling. "I loved this movie when I was a kid, and I think it stands the test of time."
"I trust your judgment." He said, smiling.
You both continued watching the movie, and you sang along with everyone else, and Kal watched, admiring you. It wasn't everyday he got to see you act so childish, but truthfully it brought him peace.
He didn't want to admit what he was feeling, but he knew what it was: The Pull.
"Kal? You okay?" You asked, waving your hand in front of his face.
He realized he'd zoned out, and finally answered "I'm fine." He said, and leaned back against the wall. "I was thinking, that's all."
"Cool." You said, and went back to watching the movie.
'They're perfect.' He thought, and smiled through the rest of the movie.

~Finian De Karran De Seel~
Fin invited you to hang out in the observatory on a Saturday night. You, of course, could never say no to him, and agreed. "Hey." You said, smiling as you walked into the observatory.
"Hey." He said, and hugged you (a friendly hug between you two wasn't unusual). "I figured we could play cards, and then watch the meteor shower."
"Sounds fun." You smiled and saw he had brought pillows and blankets, and set them up in the corner of the observatory. You both sat down, and he started listing off card games. You weren't paying attention, until you had an idea. "Can we play slapjack? I know it's a really simple game, but I think it's fun." You said, begging just a little.
"I've never played." Fin said. "Explain."
You explained the rules, and then you dealt the cards. When you began playing you both slapped, and Fin held your hand. "(Y/N), I didn't know you liked me like that." He said smugly.
"Shut up." You mumbled, your cheeks burning a faint red.
The evening continued, and Fin saw streaks of light start passing by. "I think the meteor shower is starting." He said, pointing to the glass ceiling.
You both laid down, and saw that Fin was a little uncomfortable. You grabbed the one spare pillow, and put it under his back. "Thanks." He said quietly, his face turning a light pink. You smiled, and moved a little closer to him, and snuggled into his side. "What're you doing?" He asked, and you could hear the smile from the way he talked.
"Getting comfy." You said, and he laughed a little. You could feel the way it resonated in his chest as you lied next to him, and you smiled a little.
Fin say there, wondering why you were being so cute. He didn't mind, but it was odd. You weren't usually one to show him affection in such an obvious way. "It's amazing." He said, and you nodded.
"It really is." You replied, eyes trained on the stars above.
As the hours ticked by you watched the meteors shoot across the sky. He didn't notice that you'd fallen asleep, but when he got up he saw you and smiled. "I love you." He said, wrapping you in a blanket, and carried you back to your room.

~Aurora Lie Jin O'Malley~
"Auri!" You shouted as you to catch up with her.
"Are you okay?" Aurora asked, slightly concerned.
"What're you doing right now?" You asked.
"I was gonna go read, why?" She asked.
"I have a surprise." You said, and led her to the galley.
"I'm very scared." Aurora said, laughing a little.
"You're always afraid." You remarked, and she nodded.
You opened the door to the galley, and she smelled something she heard something she hadn't in awhile. They were singing happy birthday.
Aurora started crying and smiled. "You guys!" She hugged you, and you heard her sob. "Thank you. I love it." She said, and you hugged her.
"Anything for you, Auri." You said smiling.
You guys celebrated Aurora's birthday, and she could feel her heart about to burst out of her chest. 'I love you, (Y/N).' She thought, and she knew she'd found her new family.

~Zila Madran~
You had gotten into a fight, and didn't want to go to the infirmary, so you went about your day mostly normal. When you went to go hang out with Zila that afternoon she was a little surprised to see that you had a black eye, and that's the most emotion you'd ever seen from her.
"Don't ask." You told her, laughing a little.
"As a medical officer in training, it's my responsibility to take care of you." Zila said, and you walked down to the commons room. She opened the fridge, and grabbed an ice pack.
She handed it to you, and you smiled. "Thanks." You said, and she remained silent.
"It's my responsibility." Zila said.
"Yeah, but it still means a lot that you care." You said.
'I will always care about you.' Zila thought.
"I'll always care." Zila said. "It just isn't obvious."

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