Headcanons: Random things about each of them

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These are just random things I thought about each of them. I hope you like them.

~Tyler Jones~
-Secretly a cat person... both a pun and I think he would own a cat
-Likes the classics ex) Fahrenheit 451, The Count of Monte Cristo, Don Quixote
-Likes old alternative Terran music ex) Halsey, Twenty One Pilots, Yungblud
-Wears a lot of grey, black, white, darker blues, dark reds, dark greens. Not big on bright colors in my opinion
-Years down the line he would probably get something Cat used to say tattooed in her handwriting

~Scarlett Jones~
-Hates vanilla scents
-Way into true crime
-She bullet journals
-Has owned a fake ID at one point
-Struggles to keep all her clothes organized
-Bunny Person, and would like a bunny in the future once life calms down
-Plant mom vibes
-Supernatural fan

~Catherine Brannock~
-Plays guitar, but very few people know it. It just seems right
-Would collect records and definitely owns a record played
-Owned a fake ID, but only to get a tattoo, will not confirm or deny if it was used to purchase alcohol
-100% would own denim jackets with tons of pins and patches
-Has an enamel pin collection
-Gets her friends to draw her tattoos because it means something to her and makes it more special
-Marvel forever

~Kallis Gilwraeth~
-Also bullet journals, but doesn't make it known
-Really likes old Terran classical music after he hears it around
-Would definitely like a Studio Ghibli movie
-Collects something, but what does he collect? No one knows
-doesn't understand the obsession with true crime
-Likes cats, would like to get one with Auri

~Finian De Karran De Seel~
-Dog Person
-I could see him being a light reader, definitely not all the time, but he does like to read
-Big into Terran card games
-Into Terran games in general, actually just games in general
-Likes video games, but isn't obsessed
-Also into true crime, and would watch it with Scarlett
-I can see him liking Terran music, like Halsey, Palaye Royale, Queen, and Mother Mother
-Owns Make-up, and will wear it on occasion because he likes it
-I feel like he would wear heels and he'd look hot wearing them

~Aurora Lie Jin O'Malley~
-Really likes to read
-Also also bullet journals
-Had an emo phase, and was adorable in said emo phase
-Keeps pictures of her with her old friends around for memories
-Likes cats, and wants a cat with Kal in the future
-Would like Romeo and Juliet
-Star Wars. She'd like Star Wars

~Zila Madran~
-Really loves ice cream
-Into true crime and would watch it with Scarlett and Fin
-Likes ferrets
-Rubiks cubes
-Glues puzzles together and hangs them up as decor
-Would like Sherlock Holmes and Sherlock

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