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Chapter 21. Lunch

Ethan's POV

I was getting ready for the lunch today... nothing special just Kate n dat asshole.

I do not like him, I despise him, I disapprove of him, I hate him, I cannot stand that guy... he's someone whom when you see, all you want to do is punch his face... Mom knows I don't like him and so he got the +1 pass for the lunch with Kate. She says you should make friends with your enemies... he's not even my enemy... he's way too low to be my enemy. Well, so, Kate n Dylan were invited at the Wright's for lunch by none other than my dearest mother. She was scary, so I didn't have a choice.


I'd called Kate last night to invite her. First of all, I was mad at her... how can she spend two whole days with that piece of shit?? And she didn't even answer my calls. Like I care...



of course I do, she's my best friend. I'd gone over to her place yesterday, I couldn't find anything to eat at home and I was not willing to go down to the Café when I was hungry like I'd die if I didn't eat anything soon... and Kate's house was always loaded with food... perks of having me and Drake as her friends... so, when I went over, she was obviously not there... but Sammy was. Did you know that Sammy was my love at first sight?? Well he was... I love that (dog). Don't ever call a dog a dog. Okay... so sammy was sitting there all alone and I being I... gave him a nice bath... I loved bathing him... my sweet lil baby Sammy!!!


So after that I crashed on the couch with food and put some random movie. When I was full, I got up, cleaned my mess and left. Later I'd called Kate to invite her on behalf of The Wright Queen, that is my mother... she seemed so panicked that Sammy was clean. She thought he'd chosen someone else and was there to break up with her... poor girl. I'm not a bad person but I was mad at her so I told her that's what happens when she goes away for two whole days with some shithead. And well, the phone call didn't end so well. She was a total mess so I'd to tell her the truth and then it was her turn to be mad... at me.

Yeah so after that I called Josh to invite him too... I mean Kate was having a date, so should I... just kidding... so I called him but he said he was busy with some college work and he'd be there for dinner instead, for which he was more than welcome.

The day after we'd hanged out here, we'd gone out for shopping... mostly food. We'd talked a lot that day... he'd told me about his sorry excuse of parents and his amazing brother and I'd told him about Kate and my heart break. We'd had dinner here that day. Mom had told him he could come over anytime he wanted to. Mom loved him... I think she loves him more than she loves us (that’s obvious)... and I'm not jealous to be honest... he's never got his mother's love as he tells... all dat bitch did was call him her son. She didn't even bid him goodbye when he left that hell hole... that must have hurt my poor Josh.

The bell rang to signal the arrival of our guests... I went down and opened the door to my beautiful, charming Kate and that stupid, dipshit Dylan. I'm so gonna kick his ass today...

"Heyy," Kate said as she hugged me.

"Hey there beautiful... whoaaaaaa... what happened to your hairr???"

"Uh.. what?? It's alright, right?? It took me whole half hour to do this... and my hands are paining..."

"Its not blackkk... it's pink... lot of pink."

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