Chapter 1: Why not?

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A/N: Ηi everyone! I've always wanted to write a ross&rachel fanfiction but given the fact that English is not my mother tongue, I didn't feel confident enough. Though I had a few ideas and I just wanted to try this out so I really hope you enjoy this... I'm kind of embarrassed publishing this but I would love to hear your thoughts and see if this little story of mine deserves to be continued here :P. It's just my take on a high school version of ross&rachel and how they helped each other shape their personalities. So yeah... enjoy<3 & again I'm sorry for any mistakes but English is not my mother tongue.

She looked at herself in the mirror, straightening out her cheerleader outfit. It was dark blue, kinda matching her eyes. Her waves were falling effortlessly on her shoulders and she added some gloss while checking her outfit once again.

- Rach, breakfast's ready a voice came from downstairs.

Rachel sighed. She got undressed and threw her outfit into her practice bag while wearing a pair of jeans and a comfy green sweater.

- Great another happy family breakfast she mumbled while going down the stairs.

As expected, it was another quiet morning in the Green household. Her dad ate quickly and left for work, while her mom was going through some interior design magazines and her sisters were fighting over something. She examined their faces carefully and she wondered – again – whether she belonged there. A motorbike sound caused her thoughts to stop as she got up straightening her sweater.

- Chip's here, bye everyone!

- Bye honey! Have a nice day at school Sandra said without taking her eyes off the magazine and while asking her other two girls when they were supposed to leave for their classes.

- Well mom, Liz is picking us up in 10 minutes. Amy said and continued gossiping about some guys from her biology class.

Chip was a year older than Rachel, a senior and they've been dating for the past six months. That's how it goes...the popular guy gets the popular girl. Everyone envied their dynamic - as Mindy, Rach's friend used to say. Envied exactly what? That's a thought that's been messing with Rachel's head a lot lately. Of course, she had this huge crush on Chip and of course, it was thrilling to be with him and generally be known as his girlfriend, but that's all?? 

After mingling for a while with his group of friends, she left looking for her best friend Monica, before the bell rung and brought them back to reality.

- Heyyy she said crashing her friend into a hug

- Happy aren't we? said Monica

- Well I'm just so glad to see you and get away from all of this she said in a mocking tone, showing at Chip's friend's direction. So, tell me. Are we still up for this afternoon?

- Uhm?! What's this afternoon?

- Ugh Mon, you forgot again? She half–laughed. You're gonna tutor me for my physics exams, remember? And then we have our musicals marathon.

- Oh that.. yeah uhm see I had this thing to do with my mom. I'm up for the movies but I don't think I'll be able to make it earlier in order to study. Do you wanna study instead of watching the movies?

- Oh no, come on... I know I won't be able to concentrate that late. pfff. I just have to accept that I'll fail the exam again.

- Oh, oh I' ve got an idea Monica exclaimed. Why don't we ask Ross to help you? Besides, his grades are better than mine.

- Well.. I don't know. I mean Ross is not exactly really talkative around me these days

- Oh come on he's just a bit shy... you know you're the famous Rachel Green, soon to be mrs. prom king

- Ahh shut up. I'm just the person you've known your entire life.

- Well try proving that to my brother she laughed. Anyways, I'll talk to him and I'm sure he would love to help.

- Well it's not like I have much of a choice.


A slight knock on the door put him out of his thoughts and he approached to open it. He straightened out his blue t-shirt and he cleared his voice.

- Uhm hey he greeted her softly

- Hey. She looked around a bit uncomfortable. Did Monica tell you I would come?!

- Ah yes. She said you needed some help with physics.

- Yes. She was supposed to study with me but apparently, you're the smart one in the family.

He laughed softly, kinda blushing and let her in. 

- Sure, I would love to help you he said and immediately regretted it. 

I would love to help you? What kind of desperate person says that.. Ugh get it together Ross. This is just Rachel, the same girl that used to come on your porch for Sunday brunch with her pink cute skirts and her blonde pigtails. The same one that learned to ride a bike on your bike and the same one that you've been crushing since forever. Those kinds of thoughts were dancing through his mind, while he led Rachel to his room. 

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