Chapter 10: Tell me the truth

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Rachel was sitting outside the Gellers household for what seemed hours. She looked at the three people inside the house laughing and eating and just enjoying the moment and she felt a pain in her chest. Why did Monica lie to her? What did she do to her? She was now biting her nails, thinking what the best choice for her would be. Should she knock on their door and ask them right away? Should she leave and pretend nothing happened or should she avoid Monica the next day? She didn't have much time to think about it, because the door opened, and she came face to face with the truth.

Monica froze. Rachel looked at her deeply, her eyes were already turning into pools of tears.

- Rachel she almost whispered. What are you doing here?

- I was stupid enough she said trying to hold back her crying to come and visit you. You know, I thought we could spend the evening together.

Monica approached her and Rachel took a step back.

- Why did you lie to me?

- I... I she stuttered. I didn't mean to lie.

- Then why did you? Rachel asked angrily this time.

But before Monica could speak, Ross and Phoebe came out. He froze. She was there, all vulnerable, the same way she appeared a few weeks ago on his doorstep. That fateful day when he took her to his safe place, he became her confidant, he helped her to calm down. That day when she hugged him and opened up to him. He cherished that day, at least, until today. Because that was the day when he started hoping that maybe, just maybe she and he could be something more. But he was so ridiculously stupid and he found out earlier today in the worst way possible.... 

" I could never like someone like him. He's a total geek, obsessive and well.... boring. So please, don't insult me like that" her worlds kept replaying on his mind and every single time they would hurt a little more. Liking someone like him, was apparently a kind of insult to her.

He looked into her eyes again. A part of him wanted to wrap her in his arms, wipe away her tears and protect her from the world, but another part of him wanted to hurt her, the same way she did. He was so angry at her, but mostly he was angry at himself for believing he could ever stand a chance with her. There was an awkward silence, which of course, Phoebe tried to break.

- Hey Rach

- Hey she replied shifting her gaze from him. Happy birthday she whispered.

- Oh thank you she warmly smiled. There's some cake left. Would you like some?

- Uhmm no! I probably shouldn't be here tonight she said and with that, she turned around.

Monica looked at Ross angrily and started chasing after Rachel.

- Rach wait, please.

- Not now Monica she said and disappeared down the street.

- Great. Thanks bro! Monica told Ross.

- Well, she was right Ross replied. She shouldn't be here.

- If she shouldn't be here, then you shouldn't have invited her in the first place, Ross. Not changing your mind, and making me lie to my best friend. Besides, what did she do that made you this angry?

- Nothing. Let's not ruin Phoebe's day.

- Oh no, it's fine by me. I already had a lovely birthday. I shall leave you two to talk, besides, my grandma is waiting for our movie marathon she said and left their house after kissing them goodbye and thanking them for the surprise. Ross started picking up plates and cleaning the table.

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