Chapter 1: Beginning of an Era

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Demons have been around for hundreds of years. Torturing humans and eating them to gain more power. Their leader is said to be the first demon though some believed he wasn't. Either way, he's a powerful demon hiding behind other demons to do his dirty work, whatever his goal was.

Moriyama Murasaki walked up towards the boulder, turquoise-colored nichirin sword in hand, where her opponent slept. She wished she could sleep to but she had a purpose to be here right now. This demon that she stands before has been known to attract visitors in the forest and the nearby village with her charms and eats them. She felt a powerful aura from the sleeping creature as she walked closer. 

So this is a Lower One... Did it really have the guts to sleep when it devoured countless humans?

"Oi," she called out, "I'm not here to have tea. Wake up or you'll die faster and ruin the fun."

The eyes of the demon awoke with an innocent yawn. Their victim lay motionless on the ground. Headless and his blood stained the precious greens. She had gotten accustomed to seeing these types of scenes as she didn't feel like throwing up instead she silently prayed that he had ascended without difficulties.

"Ah. A demon slayer. Finally." Her voice was like a snake and a bird had a child. Soothing but deadly.

"I ssseee they sssent another girl thisss time." Now the thin long tongue and narrow pupils began to be clearer. Her torso was now lifted and Moriyama could see the full creature for what she was. A silver-colored snake's body with the head of an innocent woman. Her ebony hair was silky and her face was as smooth and glistening in the moonlit sky. Anyone would be tempted by her charms but not by Moriyama. Her mental strength was strong enough to kill this demon.

She made her stance and prepared to draw her sword. Her ears tingle a bit but she didn't allow it to distract her. The demon uses her tail to strike.

Air breathing: first form, spiral wind

Time seems to stop as Moriyama frontflips and dodged the attacks, heading straight towards the demon at the speed of light, slicing the head right off in one swift movement. The head then landed with a small thud but it wasn't over. "Hmm. Just as I thought," she said looking at the head and then to her right sensing the presence even stronger.

She heard chuckling and the demon's body joined back with the head. "You tthhiink it would be that easy young one? You may be faster than any other demon slayer than I've come across but even you have underestimated me. I am after all a Lower One demon. My Master would've never kept me alive if I was that weak." 

She strikes again and again with her tail but Moriyama manages to dodge every attack with immense speed by countless flips and maneuvers around the trees while also blocking a few with her blade.

The 19-year-old wasn't listening to whatever the snake demon was spitting out. Instead, she landed on the boulder and looked around. Sighing, she sat down on the spot with her sword lying on her lap, folding her arms."I thought this would be faster. It's really disappointing."

Before the demon could even react, she realized that her tail or her head wouldn't move an inch. She turned around to see her entire body tangled up onto nearby trees. A strange feeling from her neck then spread throughout her body like a wildfire. It was poisonous and felt like it was burning through her skin and her insides that she felt the need to jump into a large pool of water but could not move because her entire body was wrapped around the trees.

"No. How did you manage to poison me? No one can be able to lay a finger on me even if you've tangled my precious body. I can't die unless I'm under the sun." The Air sworswoman looked nonchalantly as the demon was now turning berserk. Her eyes and the veins on her forehead grew bigger. She growled with the pain while showing off her fangs pointed. "ANSWER ME GIRL. WERE YOU A DISTRACTION FOR SOMEONE ELSE TO KILL ME!" Frustrated and filled with rage, she snapped her fangs towards Moriyama but she was quicker. She put her sword inside the demon's mouth, preventing the attack.

"You got half of that right. I was the distraction but I was also the final blow."

Sometime before she met with the demon, she observed the forest and found two demonic beings connected as one: the Snake and the charmer. A regular human's sixth sense would be aware of what might happen. But since she has become an air breathing master, she was able to combine her breathing and her sense to enhance the ability to "see" any living being around her. The charmer was nearby but hidden in plain sight because of the deep greens and browns.

While slicing off the head, Moriyama then used a small dagger hidden in her hairpin and launched it towards the charmer. Because of her speed, the demon wasn't able to keep track of what she did. By the time she landed on the ground the dagger had already reached the other part of the demon and then the next time it blew the flute it poisoned the snake demon, paralyzing and slowly killing her.

"I had a feeling that when your head was sliced off it would regenerate because of the charmer hiding deeper into the forest. Took longer than I expected but it got the job done.

She heard cracking from a nearby tree. The demon was breaking free. She got ready for her final attack. The demon was dying excruciatingly with her screams echoed throughout the forest that Moriyama flinched a bit, however, a slayer like her wouldn't let the demon die like this.

"Now then." She formed her stance. "Time for the final blow if you don't mind."

"Air breathing: 10th form, Countless blessings"

With another breath, she made herself light and aimed towards the head, and swung her sword. The demon then felt a light sensation surrounded her and froze as if her life was flashing before her eyes. The painful feeling faded away and peace surrounded her. Her head then fell to the ground again and tears stung her eyes. Her breathing was heavy and she sobbed allowing a "Thank you" to escape her lips.

"You're free now. rest in peace..."


Demon Slayer (Rengoku x OC) The Tale of MoriyamaWhere stories live. Discover now