Chapter 5: Sleeping Buddy

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Meeting with a demon doctor meant looking for a needle in a haystack. Murasaki was in the distinct where she would be meeting with Tamayo. Last time, she was at Asakusa City until two demons discovered her hideout and she and her assistant boy needed to head out. Now they were basically moving from place to place. The Master had informed her of their current stop which wasn't too far from where she lived. Despite that, it was still difficult to sense where they were staying since Tamayo uses a Blood Art that could trick the mind of others.

If it wasn't for her Master's suggestion of going to her she wouldn't have come but she supposed that after many times of denying Tamayo, she needed to pull herself together and go to her. After she was taken in by Tamayo, she slowly developed an illness that seemed familiar to the demon doctor but didn't do anything until it got worse. That was when she injected a substance with a  hint of demon blood in Murasaki. The blood was from one of the Upper moon making her become a half-demon.

It didn't take long for Murasaki to heal completely and discovered the truth accidentally when she fell and scarred her right arm. She saw how the scar healed faster than a human, thus finally knowing the truth. Her ten-year-old mind was filled with rage and her emotions practically exploded.

"How could you do this to me?! You knew about my dreams to be a demon slayer and you turned me into a...a monster."

Emotions took over her wanting to throw something but instead tears fell from her face and leaked to her chin. Betrayal. Anger. Desperation. Every good image of them, every moment of those two years they spent together was now crushed and crumbled right in front of her by lies and deceit. The person she had trusted wasn't even a person. It was a demon and now she had turned into one herself.

"I couldn't let you die like that. I'm sor-"

"No. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for myself for trusting a demon like you. You're all the same selfish beings."

She then ran away. Tears flowing out from her eyes nonstop,

Shaking off the memory, she found herself face to face with the door that was between her and her past. She could smell the scent of substances behind it mixed with the scented candles. The door opened and it overwhelmed her while a boy with dull green hair neatly laid on his head and his purple eyes glaring at her. "Well it's good to see you're still working for her," she commented glaring back.

"You're still cheeky as always," he said back, his fangs showing.

Ignoring his statement, she walked into the room. It was different but the furniture, vials, and stacks of books on the shelves as well as the scented candles gave off the same feel after so many years. Almost nostalgic. She took the letter and placed it on the table. "That's it from me. The Master sent it." She was about to leave when a voice stopped her. Turning around she saw Tamayo still beautiful and still the same after all these years. It felt like she never left.

"Murasaki," she said, "Wouldn't you stay a bit longer. There's something we need to discuss. It'll be helpful against Muzan."

They were now sitting across from each other. A good space separating them. Moriyama felt like a child that ended up in the headmaster's office after getting into trouble for being disobedient. It made her feel like she was in front of her mother. Then again, Tamayo was like another mother to her even if it lasted two years.

"Murasaki," she started, "As you know, I've been searching for a way that would be able to defeat Kibutsuji for hundreds of years. I was able to discover a drug that would be used against his abilities."

This made Moriyama curious that she was completely attentive.

"A boy named Kamado Tanjiro is helping me gather samples of blood from the Twelve Kizuki. If Muzan is able to turn someone into a demon then I should be able to reverse the effect."

Demon Slayer (Rengoku x OC) The Tale of MoriyamaWhere stories live. Discover now