Extra Chapter Training pt 2

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Almost a year passed and Moriko had mastered the skills of an Air Swordsperson. Looking back, Moriyama remembered the first conversation they had after trying out the new training equipment.

"You used grandfather's devices, didn't you?" Moriko asked with a timid and almost silent tone of voice. They were sitting across from each other, a table separating them with tea and snacks. Moriko's hands were trembling and she gripped her outfit tightly as if trying to conceal her emotions. The girl was full of rage and terror that she wanted to throw everything but because she respected her sister, she needed to target the innocent clothing.

"Moriko," Moriyama calmly said, finally talking after studying the girl's face, "I know the ways of our grandfather were very unacceptable and should not even be made from the beginning. However, the lessons of those obstacles were on the right track. It was just not displayed properly."

She could see that Moriko was now interested as she lifted her head slightly. Her eyes were red as if she was crying and trails of tears had dried up on her cheeks.

"Everyone learns differently," Moriyama continued, "For me, my mother took me to train with a previous Wind Pillar but it wasn't coming to me and one day she took me to the mountains and I saw how soft and cool the wind could be. I sat there and became one with the air. Mother saw how much I loved to meditate in a quiet and peaceful area so she kept taking me here and I kept the training from the Wind Pillar and made my own style. This allowed me to use the breathing techniques of wind differently and with a peace of mind, I was able to unlock the forms. For you, I realized that you were the type to be less serene and more aggressive thus the thought of training obstacles came to mind. You represent a part of Air breathing that can be aggressive without being as rough as Wind since wind is basically referred to the pressure of air."

Moriko took this new observation and lesson silently. She admired how her sister thinks and was grateful for her efforts. In fact, this also relates to another lesson she remembered. When you are at peace with yourself and accept that you can move on from your bad experiences, air breathing would be easy as your sixth sense will improve and defeat an opponent.

"I'll do it. I'll become a demon slayer. The training still bothers me a bit but I am willing to accept it and move on little by little. Ko-san said that even if it gets lonely and you feel like giving up, set your heart ablaze and go over your limits."

Moriyama's senses not only tingled but also her heart did a flip at the sound of Rengoku's name. So that's how she was able to agree on training with me in the first place. She reminded herself that she needed to thank him later.

"Mori, I admit the past is not always the best thing to remember but by training you I will replace all those bad memories with good ones."

"You'll continue to train me?"

"Of course I would, I'm your big sister."

Moriyama teared up as she watched her sister put on a determined face and went to hug her. Moriko accepted it, relaxing in her sister's arms, comforted by the warm hug.

"There's no need to worry"

Some months later, Moriko had become more confident in her skills and Moriyama decided to teach her while slaying a demon. The sisters had worked together to defeat it and Moriko couldn't wait to enter the Final Selection Exam.

The day came when Moriko said her goodbyes and traveled to Mt. Fujikasane for a week. Tsuyuri Kanao and Shinazugawa Genya, Shinobu and Shinazugawa's Tsugukos, also joined her as they too were taking the exam. Moriyama was lying when she said she wasn't tearing up. The feeling of raising someone and having them take a big exam made her emotional. She wondered if this is what her mother felt when she went to take the exam. Moriyama had also noticed that Moriko had faced her past by the training as she was able to be at peace with herself, thus, improving her Air breathing forms and her Total Concentration Breathing.

Moriyama had a good feeling about this... 

Demon Slayer (Rengoku x OC) The Tale of MoriyamaWhere stories live. Discover now