Chapter 8: Mugen Train: Aftermath

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Waking up Inosuke was a bit difficult since his mind was as hard as a rock but with Nezuko's flame she successfully made it through to his dream which was him leading a group of three to attack a train-like centipede. The group was actually Nezuko in bunny ears, while Tanjiro and Zenitsu with mouse features.

Out of the weird things that had happened to her, Moriko didn't want to get another headache of trying to figure out Inosuke." I don't even want to know," she commented as she grabbed Inosuke getting his attention, "Time to wake up! The people are under attack." She then slapped him while Nezuko flame surrounded him and the dream started disappearing leading to Moriko waking up. "See," she said, turning to the sleeping Rengoku, "That's how you wake up from a demon blood art dream."

She now looked at the train. The walls were covered in flesh. Tanjiro's voice can now be heard.

"Protect the passengers!"

At the sound of his voice, Inosuke broke the ceiling and met up with Tanjiro. "Nezuko go wake up Rengoku-san. I'll take care of the passengers. Can you handle it?"

Nezuko hummed in response and Moriko patted her head as if saying good luck and left.

As she ran into the different cars, Tanjiro yelled from the top of the cars about the demon combining with the train. Moriko yelled back that she's gonna see where the head is. But as soon as she said that long flesh reached out like arms towards the passengers. Without haste, she took out her sword and got in her stance. Using her second form of air breathing, she quickly and swiftly cuts them off. Tanjiro then jumped in through the window, shards of glass shattering everywhere.

"Tanjiro! The arms are regenerating from the previous car. I'll head there while you take care of this one."


As they fought off the arms, the train suddenly shook as if a huge force just hit it. Was it the demon? Tanjiro became more alert. But Moriko recognized the attack.

"OWL EYES! YOU'RE GONNA TILT THE TRAIN!" Moriko yelled. Time stopped as an idea struck her.


The train shook again and he appeared in front of her. "Mori-chan!" The fleshy arms of the train were wiped clean now.

"Well good morning to you," Moriko said unamused, "The demon has combined with the train. Send Tanjiro and that boar head guy to the engines. That's where the head's located. You take care of the rear cars. As soon as the head's cut off see if you can balance the train with your techniques. Make sure it's enough to slow down the cars when it's separated."

"Very well!" he responded, keeping his smile, "Good thinking!" Although she didn't have time to explain her entire plan, she was glad he understood right away, "It shows you trust young Kamado in an important task like this."

"I trust in my sister's judgment. She believes in his strength," Moriko responded.

Nodding, he then vanished and she was now alone. She realized that if the demon is killed the train would stop abruptly and drag the other cars along with it, crashing the entire train. Looking at the sleeping passengers she thought of moving them to the rear cars but that'll take more time and the demon would be regenerated many times. The demon's flesh on the walls was also soft enough for them in case the train tilted off the track. I'll need to separate the passenger cars from the engines.  Sheathing her sword, Moriko went to the first car that was connected with the engines.

Nezuko and Zenitsu handled the first cars well as they were able to protect the passengers. Moriko went to the first car and found the chain connecting both cars covered in flesh. I have to separate it at the exact same time Tanjiro cuts the neck. But she needed to rely on her senses and trust in her instincts. She noticed that her mental strength was a bit weaker after trying to wake up Inosuke and Rengoku, not to mention helping Tanjiro fight off the urge to fall under the demon's blood art. However, if she was gonna make sure no one got harmed then she was willing to do whatever it takes. After all, her sister would be proud of her. Her vision of her sister smiling down at her came in view and her senses tingled.

She gathered the rest of her strength and focused on her senses. Instinctively she unsheathed her sword and got to her stance. 4th form: Dance of the Falling Leaves: Piercing cut

She leaps at a great height from the roof and falls straight at full speed, landing a fierce blow at the chain at the exact moment the head was cut, releasing the cars from the engine and separating the cars. Because of the impact from the decapitation and her releasing the chain, the passenger cars lifted a bit but landed firmly on the tracks as soon as Rengoku performed techniques to cut the remainder of the fleshy arms. The engine room was then tilted and fell off the track leaving the passenger train to roll for a while before making a complete stop.

Moriko got up from the floor and looked at the passengers now waking up and sighed with relief. She didn't know if she exhaled so much or if she was just tired but she felt light and her eyes felt heavy until she felt a huge hand holding her shoulders, keeping her upright. 

"Ko-san," she said weakly smiling, "We did it." He gave her a huge closed-eye smile.




While everyone exited the cars, Rengoku and Moriko made sure everyone was unharmed. "Mori!" he called out, "Are you sure you're alright? Should I get you some water?"

"I'm fine," Moriko replied, "My mental strength is a bit low but I'm still able to move around a bit."

"That was some quick thinking. Your instincts and senses are getting stronger! Maybe I'll be able to see you become a Hashira very soon!"

"Really?!" Moriko lit up but settled down right after. She couldn't imagine being on the same level as her sister, "Me on my sister's level seems surreal. I don't think I'll ever be like her. She's more experienced than I am."

"Yes, she is," Rengoku replied, kneeling down at her level, "But Moriko seems to be doing well on her level. Don't lose yourself when aspiring to be like someone. Our differences are what makes us human beings beautiful." He gave her a reassuring smile and tears stung her eyes as she returned the smile.

"Rengoku-san," Moriko said, "If there is a time where you wist to court my sister, I give you my blessing." She figured it was time to let him know that she was supportive. After all, she saw that her sister's mood was brighter when Rengoku was around and she had a feeling that he would definitely take good care of her.

Rengoku studied the girl before standing up, patting her head with a satisfied chuckle. "With your support, I'll definitely be successful!"

"Just give her sweet buns and you'll be fine."

They both shared a laugh before separating. After making sure the people were alright, Rengoku went to find where Tanjiro had landed. 

Moriko turned towards the woods. Her senses were weak but they were tingling.


Demon Slayer (Rengoku x OC) The Tale of MoriyamaWhere stories live. Discover now