Extra Chapter: Training Final

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Blessing yall with two chapters

The next day, Moriyama was taking in the fresh air at her home. Meditation always calmed her but she couldn't help but be a bit worried about Moriko. The Final Selection lasts for about a week of staying in the woods surrounded by demons. Of course, she had faith in her sister but she couldn't help but think of the worst-case scenario. That is until she senses someone walking up to her. "Ara, Ara, you seemed to be a bit tensed."

Moriyama almost jumped when she opened her eyes to meet the dull and gentle eyes of the Insect Pillar, Shinobu. She gave off weird vibes but friendly and sweet. She sighed as Shinobu took a seat next to her. "Are you worried about your sister?" 

"That and somewhat terrified. I literally trained her to face death everyday. Is that selfish?"

"My, when you put it that way, it does sound bad. But as a sister, you made her aware of what she's going to experience and you made her have a goal in life. Our duty is to protect the innocent after all. You had your sister took a role that'll be an inspiration to others to fight for a better tomorrow."

Moriyama relaxed at her words. "I guess you're right. Maybe that's why my mother made me chose this path. So that there could be a future. I wonder if she too was worried."

Shinobu chuckled a bit and Moriyama joined in. She then suggested having tea at her place promising that it'll be soothing. Moriyama could not resist.

After two days, the Hashira headquarters were filled with the sound of delicate and gentle musical notes that gave off a relaxing sound that acted as a safe place for the listener. The koto has been known to let out beautiful notes by plucking its strings which can transition from soft to a more commanding sound. This made the Flame Hashira stop his tracks.

"Hmm?" Rengoku perked his head in curiosity. What a beautiful sound! Where was it coming from?

He followed it to the Demon Slayer headquarters where he found the culprit and softly chuckled. It was Murasaki. She was sitting with the instrument on the veranda of the Mansion and was playing with a small smile. As much as he would want to go to her, the pretty notes that blessed his ears prevented him from stopping her. So he stayed at the corner and watched as she plucked the strings and fully committed to the instrument. She played as if her soul and the instrument had become one, releasing delicate and pretty notes that could practically summon all the good things and feelings to appear in one's mind. It made his mind be completely at ease and felt like the notes had surrounded him and given him a warm hug.

"My, that's a new piece today isn't it?"

His thoughts ended abruptly as the playing stopped followed by talking. It was the Master who was sitting and listening to her play.

Does she play for the Master?

"It appears so," replied Murasaki, "I guess I was so into it, I was thinking of- well something else other than the regular piece." Rengoku watched as the woman tapped her index fingers together and fiddled with her nail on her lap and couldn't help but smile. It was something he noticed whenever she was nervous.

He turned back and leaned against the wall. He wondered if he would ever hear that piece again? It was now stuck in his mind that he kept thinking about how Murasaki's fingers pulled the strings in a gentle tug producing such wonderful and soothing sounds. He sighed in admiration of the woman.


He almost jumped at the sound of his name being called. "Yes!"

A chuckle tickled his ears and his cheeks felt warm. "Mura-san," he said, "Your playing was beautiful! You should play it more often!"

Murasaki stood there speechless at the sudden compliment. "Thank you Kyo-san. I didn't realize you would like this piece. I was just thinking of you actually." She froze at what she just said and looked away blinking more than she should while rubbing her ear with her hand.

"Haha! No wonder why I felt a connection with it! Very admirable! Keep at it! While thinking of someone you were able to express it through sound. Impressive! What exactly made you think of me when you were playing?"

Moriyama could've sworn her cheeks were getting warmer. Throughout the time she had spent with the Flame Hashira, she had grown to love his company. Everything was so refreshing from the lifestyle she had grown up in. Her childhood was filled with peace and some occasional bombs here and there but there was life whenever she was near this man. His fighting spirit, his sudden burst of energy when he talks. How straightforward he was made her want to be just as straightforward with him. His passionate heart around those he cared about. There was so much to say.

"There are a million things that come to mind," she started, "It was everything that made you, you. I guess this piece expresses gratitude. A message of thank you for being you." She looked up to see him looking at her as if she said something strange. His eyes were wide open, eyebrows lifted, his mouth was open. She watched as he blinked and slowly lifted his mouth edges and let out a huge laugh. Did I break him?

"Hahaha! Mura-san, by saying this you've made my day better!" She saw that this smile felt different and more genuine.

The Flame Hashira watched as Murasaki laughed as well. He could've sworn the sun was brighter. He sees her every day and yet today felt like he was seeing her for the first time. The colors seemed to be brighter and clearer. The leaves from the cherry blossom tree were now falling and he was reminded of the first time he met her.

Her mother had just saved him from a demon that escaped from the Final Selection. He remembered how passionate the woman was when she defeated it with ease. He stood there still as the Flame Hashira then knelt down to his height and told him a few simple words: don't let anyone take that passion of yours away from you. He was then alerted with a call and a girl came running towards the woman. She laughed and then gestured towards him to which she lit up and grabbed his hands. "Let's do our best as demon slayers, yeah?" This shocked him and he could still feel his cheeks slightly burning.

And now that girl had grown to be the woman her mother would be proud of. Her laugh and her features were like her mother's but he was no fool to compare the two women as they were different. Murasaki had something that made his attention span increase when she was around. No matter how enchanting the scenery was behind her it would practically fade as he solely focused on her. And she never looked so ethereal.

"Mura-san, I wanted to ask-"

"Caw! Hashira meeting! CAW!"




The rest of the week went by quickly and the newly added demon slayers came back. It didn't take long for Moriko's nichirin sword and uniform to arrive. It was just like a regular uniform except there was a skirt instead of pants. Moriyama grew emotional as she watched as her sister came out wearing the full uniform with her haori that Moriyama personally made herself. The sakura leaves were added in as she was thinking of them while playing for the Master. 

Moriko was nervous with the changing swords and she kept her eyes closed as she heard Ooos and ahhs. The sword was a lime green color which suited her personality well. Youthful and bright. They then celebrated her victory with a feast at the Rengokus. While one room contained laughter and cheering the other room was dark and lonely as the patriarch took another sip of alcohol as he turned the page of his notes.

Demon Slayer (Rengoku x OC) The Tale of MoriyamaWhere stories live. Discover now