Extra Chapter: Day Off

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Out of all many, this shotengai was known for its long-covered shopping street. Shops were filled with customers and the owners were occupied by them while also filling up their stock. A few children were playing around while the adults did their shopping.

Rengoku Senjuro stood next to his older brother, Rengoku Kyojuro as he collected the goods from a vendor. His uniform and while haori attracted almost everyone's attention. He had just got dismissed to have the rest of the day off from work and had decided to spend it with his brother to do some last minute errands for the house.

"Let's go, Senjuro!" said the Flame Hashira, "We need to get the other things before leaving."

While walking past the other shops, Senjuro spotted a familiar black haired woman standing at a shop. A smile appeared on his face as he watched the Air Hashira studying a hairpin before asking the price. She wore her signature haori over her kimono with her hair tied up in a bun with a silver hairpin. She always made their residence feel like home as she visited them almost every day and he admired how she cared for her sister and his older brother. In fact, he was sure that his brother would be happy to see her.

As soon as he was about to alert his brother she suddenly let out a "YOU DARE TRY TO SCAM ME!"

Moriyama was filled with rage. Her blood boiled every time the woman opened her mouth.




Chuckling, Kyojuro decided to step in before things got heated. Moriyama was known to be calm and serene but today was one of the days where her temper slips. He had to admit, he missed this side of her.



After a while of calming the scene and many apologies, the Rengoku brothers walked away with an annoyed Moriyama. "Nee-san," asked the younger brother, " Are you still angry at the woman? I'm sure she must've learned her lesson." He gave her a reassuring smile.

"I'm fine now," Moriyama replied, her voice softening," I needed to let off some steam anyway. Oo sweet rolls."

She quickly paid for them and thanked the vendor.

They stopped at a nearby bridge and took a break near the benches. "So what are you two doing here? Last minute errands?" she asked, giving Rengoku the parcel. He hummed in response. "And what about you? Searching for another hairpin?" He gave one of the rolls to Senjuro before taking one for himself.

"Something like that. Moriko is meeting up with a few other demon slayers for a mission and the Master allowed me to have a day off this morning but I got bored. Plus I too needed some things so it's a good thing Mori isn't here. She would've panicked because of the crowd. SIxth senses are something."

"You must really have faith in Mori-san for allowing her to go on dangerous missions," commented Senjuro who was now covered in red bean paste.

"Yes I do," Moriyama replied, smiling and cleaning off Senjuro's mouth, "She learns well but at times she worries me."

"Do not worry!" said Rengoku, "Senjuro and I believe in Moriko. She'll make you proud!"

Moriyama hummed in response. As the sun started the set, Senjuro realized that Rengoku had left one of the parcels at a stall so he decided to get it while Moriyama offered to help Senjuro get the rest of the things. The two of them then went to work on getting everything. Moriyama even allowed him to get some extra goods. They then stopped for some sweet potatoes.

"Mmm," said Senjuro, taking a bite, "This is so tasty!"

"Haha," said Moriyama, "You know who you sound like right now?"

As if on cue they both take another bite and simultaneously declare tasty mimicking the older Rengoku brother before letting out some laughs. 

Moriyama then decided to buy a few before leaving. As the moon rose, they were then met up by Rengoku who had also done some shopping and were about to leave until they heard screams from the other side of the place. Crowds of people were pushing past them while the two Hashiras squinted their eyes to see what was chasing them away.

 Now that there were fewer people, Moriyama was able to sense an invisible demonic presence as it came closer to them. Quickly pulling out her sword hidden in her kimono she sliced off the demon's arm from reaching Senjuro.

"Make sure Senjuro and the people are safe," she told Rengoku, "I got this one."

She was now face to face with it. The demon was skinny with long arms and legs which towers over her and crashing some shops here and there. She silently thanked it for destroying the hairpin shop though. Making sure no one was around she launched herself in the air, landed on the roof, and jumped across, performing the first form of Air Breathing immediately slicing the demon's head off and landing on the other roof of another shop. Making sure the head disappeared and no other danger she then sheathed her sword accepting victory.

Meanwhile, Senjuro who was watching on was in awe of the Hashira. He never saw her so concentrated and focused. The older brother glanced at Senjuro and chuckled a bit, remembering his first time seeing Akira in action. Murasaki's mother was one of the persons who had left an impression and he was glad that her successor did the same to his brother.

Murasaki landed on the ground and saw two other demon slayers running in her direction. "This was your mission wasn't it," she asked them, her tone of voice deeper and now serious as she looked at them sternly with a raised eyebrow clearly disappointed.

"Yes. Ma'am," one of them replied, continuously bowing down, recognizing her rank, "We're sorry it got away."

"Sorry isn't going to help if there were serious casualties or even worse someone's life. You're lucky at least one Hashira was here or else this entire place would've been wiped clean of people."

"We'll do better next time," the other responded, dragging his friend away.

Sighing, she met back with the brothers. "Senjuro, are you alright?" she asked, softening her voice. He was frozen in shock. The emotions of amazement and wonder had a child as soon as the boy blurted out his bottled up excitement while the girl just stood there listening to the multiple compliments coming out of his mouth while the older brother belted out a loud and heartwarming laugh.

"Ah that-it's..uh I mean."

"Haha. Mura-san, your cheeks are pink!" said Rengoku, poking her cheeks lightly. This was one of the days he gets to see her be flustered and he was not going to let that pass. It had only been six months since he became a Hashira and was fighting alongside the other Hashira and her. Most of the time, he saw her fierce side of her fighting demons as well as being a mentor and guardian to her sister which includes being protective and patient.

Her embarrassed expression even reminded him of a conversation they had after he became a Hashira.

"Now that we're gonna see each other often, don't you think we should drop the formalities?" she asked, finishing up her meal. Rengoku perked his head up from his bowl at her statement.

"Sure! I am more than willing to address you in a more friendly manner! Does Mura-san sound alright?"

Murasaki's cheeks blushed slightly and she turned her head, clearing her throat to hide it. "Yes. That's fine," she quickly said before composing herself, "I don't mind, Kyo-san."

As she said his name, like a firework, a tingling sensation spread from his chest to his face as he lit up and let out a chuckle with small hints of pinks on his cheeks.

He chuckled at the memory while watching the Air hashira try to hide her flustered face. However, it didn't help Moriyama to process her sudden emotions. "Ahh, let's just go home already. People are watching," she replied, taking Senjuro's hand and Kyojuro's haori to pull the laughing brothers from the crowd.

Demon Slayer (Rengoku x OC) The Tale of MoriyamaWhere stories live. Discover now