Extra Chapter: Past Memories

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Moriko was ecstatic. She practically jumped out of her futon and hurried to just grab whatever food her sister made to start the day. But she needed to find her target first. She took quick deep breaths and quietly slid the door open, poking her head enough to see the kitchen. The scent of food had her mouth-watering but she continued to be focused. There she was. Putting the bowls of rice with the rest of the meal on the table and going back to the kitchen to get the chopsticks.

She tiptoed her way out and headed in the same direction.


 "WHY'D YOU HAVE TO COME IN NOW?!" Moriko yelled at the bird. The crow sweatdropped at the girl and flew in, landing next to Murasaki.

The girl turned around and hugged her sister with a smile. "Mori, you're awake! Why were you sneaking around the house?" Moriko slumped her shoulders realizing that her sister could sense every movement in the house. Ugh, the sixth sense curse is haunting me.

I wanted to surprise you today," she replied, glaring at the bird, "to wish you a 1 year anniversary." She replied, feeding the crow.

"1 year for what exactly," Moriyama asked, frowning a bit.

"It's been one year since you've been a Hashira. Silly sis. Did you forget?"

"Oh," Moriyama replied, her eyebrows furrowed together adding to the worried expression, "Yeah. I didn't realize it was a year already." She wanted to forget what happened on this day but she wasn't expecting it to be in the form of her sister. She gave a small smile at the younger slayer. Memories of the battle between her and her mother who had turned into a demon appeared and she realized something. 1 year passed and I haven't told Moriko about what happened to our mother. Moriko was training to be a demon slayer for months now and her skills are remarkable for her age. She sighed. I don't want to hinder her training.

After breakfast, they cleared the table and Moriko rushed out to visit the Rengokus. "Moriko!" Moriyama called out, "Don't stay too long, you have a training session today!"

"I won't!" Moriko had now disappeared on the horizon.

Now that I think about it, I haven't told Rengoku about our mother as well. His father probably knows by now that she's dead so he must've known something.

She walked back into the house but stopped when she completed her thoughts. Although I do feel bad about not telling him about her myself. They were friends with our parents after all. Moriyama then remembered how the patriarch's demeanor changed a bit when he finally faced her for the first time.

"Why have you come here, Moriyama-san?"

He turned to face her and she saw his tense eyebrows lifted before throwing a bowl at her. She swiftly caught it and put it down on the table. The atmosphere had shifted as she looked at him dead in the eye but before she could talk he cut her off.

"If you wish to ask me about those notes again then you can leave."


"Useless. They're all useless, Akira-san! The Flame is just a waste of time!"

While she was alive, Akira had been gathering intel about information she had received from a village bar when she was on a mission. After that she sought out her mentor Rengoku, but in this state, no matter how determined Akira was, she couldn't any answers. After one last meeting, she had found a lead in a small village during one of her missions. As soon as she had defeated the demon there, she encountered another demon. An Upper moon. Her determination and frustration for knowledge blinded her and had already driven her insane that she agreed to be a demon but she ended up losing herself during the process.

Demon Slayer (Rengoku x OC) The Tale of MoriyamaWhere stories live. Discover now