Chapter 3: Hashira Meeting: The Trial

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The Moriyama Estate has been passed down from generation to generation. Throughout the years, it has served the members of the family and although it has been restored multiple times as well as some furniture changes, the outline of the house stays the same. Moriyama Murasaki sits in the engawa, which connects the living room area to the gardens, in front of rows of hanafuda cards. Some flipped over and some faced down. Her eyes are closed and she sits in the lotus position, taking in the pure fresh air mixed with a few scented candles. She always loved to challenge her instincts by using her sixth sense to guess which card is which and then group them in the same suit.

She chooses her card but before she could flip it, she stops and looks out at the garden. So peaceful.



Settling down and clearing her throat she asked, "Now, what seems to be the problem?"

The crow then landed and informed the Air Hashira of a trial that involves a boy with hanafuda earrings and a demon.

The hashira chuckled a bit. "Well now, is that so?" She commented looking at the moon card in her hand. Her turquoise eyes glinted.




"Protecting a demon is a violation of the Demon corps! Let us handle this!"

"In that case, I'll gladly decapitate him with style. It'll be maxed flamboyant.

"Thinking of beheading someone already. Honestly, we just started the trial." Heads turned to face the direction of the Air Pillar walking in, a single leaf in her fingers. "Then again it doesn't seem to be a trial in the first place with the way you grow-ups are behaving."

"Moriyama-san, you're late to another hashira meeting," commented the Serpent Pillar on a tree branch, "besides we should forget all of this. Shouldn't we be talking about what Tomioka did? He's just as guilty of breaking the Corps rules." Heads turn to face the Water Hashira standing alone, separating himself from the group.

But Moriyama didnt take heed to what Iguoro was saying. She was looking at the boy who was on the ground. So he's the one traveling with a demon. He seems a bit older than I expected. How long has it been again? Kneeling down to his level she noted how harmless he was and yet still travels with a demon. "Aren't you all a tad bit curious as to why he's defending a demon in the first place?"

"There's no need to ask," said Uzui, hands on his blades ready to behead the boy in an instant.

Dropping the leaf, Moriyama stood up with a stern look. "Honestly, if a random civilian was here and saw you all brutally behead a boy without giving proper explanation, would you calmly explain to that person why you did such a thing or would you let that civilian run away and have them think the almighty hashiras do unjust trials." Her voice was now deeper and so serious that Tanjiro flinched at the tone of her commanding voice. She turned back towards him, "Allow him to explain the situation and then the Master shall decide his fate." She received unfriendly looks from most of the group. The Sound Pillar gave a sigh and settled down mumbling, "I hate when she does this."

"That seems fair! How admirable!" the Flame Hashira commented. Although it was an unforgivable crime, he mostly preferred justice to be done fairly. The Air Hashira relaxed a bit and Shinobu, the Insect Hashira walked towards the boy.

"Kamado Tanjiro," said Shinobu, "Why are you traveling with a demon?"

Moriyama watched as the helpless demon slayer explained that the demon is indeed his sister and that she has never harmed any human being. "It's been two years since Nezuko became a demon and she hasn't devoured one human being!"

Demon Slayer (Rengoku x OC) The Tale of MoriyamaWhere stories live. Discover now