Extra Chapter Bonding pt1

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This occurred right after Murasaki defeated the Lower one demon in chapter 1.


The announcement of becoming a Pillar did not faze Moriyama as she went home. She wanted to go home and bury herself in the covers and cry herself to sleep but she needed to meet the rest of the Pillars and the Master who waited patiently for her return. Her mother had taught her to never decline something someone took their time to prepare for her so she made a good face and walked towards HQ well before she became a demon.

The aura of the Hashiras was overwhelming and powerful. She should be nervous or even excited but she wasn't. After all, she just killed her own mother who turned into a lower one demon which is the reason why she became a Hashira. The woman who raised her for years, her blood was now stained in her hands. There she knelt down away from the Hashira line until the Master urged her to join.

"I know you have gone through quite an ordeal. It is not an easy task but you are a demon slayer. Your mother would be proud that you did a brave deed to protect the innocent. You did good work, my child." You have earned the title of Air Hashira."

She felt a sense of pride as she accepted the title and invitation to join the Hashira line but the deep emotions still overwhelmed her and tears leaked out from her eyes. Mumbling multiple sorries and thank yous, she felt warm arms wrapped around her and the scent of lavender and wisteria greeted her nose. "Ara Ara. You did well, Mura-san," said the Insect Hashira, patting her shoulder.

"Shall we postpone this meeting for tomorrow then?"




Later, Moriyama walked the path towards another home that houses the Rengokus, a friend of her parents and who was also watching over her little sister, Moriko while she was away. She rarely sees the patriarch though but his sons were always together. She hasn't officially met the older son yet as he was always training his student in the dojo so she was closer with the younger son, Senjuro. She was not really in the mood to meet anyone new-ish right now so she didn't really mind if she didn't meet him.

She pushed the gate open and walked in to see Moriko and Senjuro sitting at the veranda making a flower crown. A smile escaped her lips as she watched the preteen fiddle with the flowers while her partner in crime watched in awe. How adorable. The evening sun was setting and its light gave the scene a warm and comforting feel.

"Big sis!"

The call lifted her head, answering it. "Mori-chan. Senjuro, how are you?"

"All good!"

She giggled a bit at the young boy's bright face.

"Mori-chan Are you ready?"

"Yes!" she replied, putting the crown on Senjuro's head before running inside. Moriyama then heard some voices from the dojo. "Ah, that must be your brother and his student."

"Yes," replied Senjuro, "they're working really hard."

"I'm glad to hear that," Moriyama said, giving him some bento boxes. "Here, I may not stay long so consider this a gift of thanks for taking care of my sister."

"Wow. Big brother loves this! How did you know?"

"It's the first dish my mother taught me. I didn't realize it was his favorite."

Demon Slayer (Rengoku x OC) The Tale of MoriyamaWhere stories live. Discover now