iii. First Day At U.A.

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Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

First Day At U.A.

Zatanna woke up to her alarm blaring into her ears, she instantly jolted from her sweet slumber and grunted at the alarm piercing into her eardrums. It was quite early in the morning, the time she was used to waking up to train before school.

Her new school started at 8:25 am, much later than her old one which started at 8:00 am so she had more than enough time, now. She tiredly slid off her bed, stretching after hitting snooze and dragged her feet to the bathroom.

Afterwards, she changed into a sports bra and leggings to begin meditating in complete silence. Mediation helps her raise her vibrations and positive energy, therefore, making her magic stronger which is deeply rooted in that energy. This lasted a few minutes before she moved on to her martial arts training and finally her quirk training.

By the time she finished, Zatanna was sweating immense amounts so she took a cold shower to cool her down. Using her magic, she changed into her new school uniform. It included a long-sleeve, button-up white shirt, a grey jacket with blue-green stripes, a red tie and a dark blue-green pleated skirt. 

She rushed to the kitchen, looking in the cupboards for a quick snack but fo. "I'm out already?" She quickly set a reminder to restock her kitchen. She grabbed the last protein bar and lazily slumped her school bag on her back that was prepared the day before and ran out the front door.

It was currently April and her first day at U.A so she felt exhilarated and couldn't wait to meet Midoriya and Uraraka.

Zatanna skipped towards her class, 1-A as she listened to music that was booming in her ears. 

When she got to her class, she noticed Midoriya standing in front of the door. "Hey, Izuku! I see you made it on time!" Zatanna grins, slinging her arm around Midoriya's shoulder and gave him a slight hug before letting go. 

She staring at the door with a 'what the fuck' face, taking in the sight of them. "Why were the doors in this place built for giants?!"

"That's what I was wondering!" Midoriya laughed in disbelief, mentally screaming at how close she was to him. 'She smells like vanilla.' He noted, turning red.

"By any chance do you have food?" Zatanna asks randomly as her hunger pangs caused a wave of sickness in the pit of her stomach. "Haven't you eaten breakfast?" He asks worriedly.

"No, I finished all the food and I just have this left." She pouted sadly, waving the bar around before shoving it in her pocket. For one person, she does eat a lot but it couldn't be helped, she was just a foodie who enjoyed the food on her plate a tremendous amount. 

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