v. An Attack On USJ P.1

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Chapter Five

An Attack On USJ


The young magician quietly walked past the crowd that gathered by the high school's entrance where she then spotted a familiar angry blonde. It was no secret that All Might joined U.A as a teacher, the press was interviewing students for the past two days in search of a story. 

"Excuse me, kid? Are you in All Might's class?" The interviewer asked as she determinedly strutted after him. "Wait hold on. Aren't you that sludge villain kid?" This made Zatanna feel a bit pitiful, imagine being constantly reminded of a possibly traumatic event like that. 

"Walk away." He warns.

Ever since the battle trials, Zatanna was slightly cautious of her pomeranian friend but that didn't stop her from talking to him,  she did dial down on her teasing though which Bakugo didn't want to confess, he missed. 

He felt immense guilt the night of the incident, it kept him up and he didn't like how something like this could affect him like this. It never did before so why now? Was it because he admired her and couldn't come to accept he did. Ever since she saved him, the moment she ran out of the crowd before locking eyes with his own. He owed her his life because without her he wouldn't have had the chance to live. How could he hurt someone like her? He was so driven to win that it almost killed someone he owed. 

He knew he overstep his boundaries and wanted to apologise but his ego interfered whenever he tried. He was grateful she still talked to him but it wasn't the same. Luckily for him Zatanna had gotten past the incident, her injuries healed and she never liked holding grudges but still needed to tell him she already forgave him. She knew he was too stubborn for an actual apology.

 "Hey! Where are you going?" The press notices her. "Hell, most likely." She responds before they got a chance to surround her. Bakugo heard her behind him but fought the urge to turn. Feeling her presence near, she jogged past him and made quick eye contact, he expected her to look away but instead, she smiled and turned away again in the direction she was heading. 

"Hi, Katsuki. Bye, Katsuki."

He exhaled, feeling the weight on his shoulders vanish. He watched her slow into a walk in front of him, he couldn't decide whether to catch up to her or keep his distance. By the time he came to a decision they had already made it to their homeroom, he silently cursed under his breath. He was feeling conflicted, second-guessing whether he imagined her smile at him. He let out a frustrated groan and angrily dragged himself to his seat.

Feeling his emotions practically radiate from him, Zatanna uncomfortably shifts in her seat, later hearing a pencil scratch on a piece of paper from his direction. What could he be writing so aggressively? Before she could pull her chair further onto her table in hopes to stop the holes burning into her skull, she saw a small paper ball drop in front of her. 

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