ix. The Sports Festival P.1

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Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

The Sports Festival

The bell rang, indicating it was time to go home. Zatanna couldn't wait to go home to further indulge herself in the words of her new discovery. Classes had started before she could so she used her quirk to change the appearance of the book to anyone but her, this way she wouldn't risk its contents getting stolen. Who'd want to steal an ordinary textbook on maths anyway? They must be psycho if they would. Did they enjoy maths that much?

Just as everyone was about to leave, they noticed a crowd forming outside the door. "Wh-What's going on?!" Uraraka says who stood closest to the exit. Zatanna who stood the furthest away wondered what other students from other courses were doing. Since the sports festival was announced, she wouldn't be surprised if they were taking a good look at what they're up against, they did go up against villains just a few days into the school year.

Peeking at the hallway outside, it was congested by many of them and looked like it was going to be a struggle to squeeze past. Zatanna let out a frustrated sigh, she hated the idea of that. She continued to wait like the others, holding tightly onto the strap of her school bag.

"What business do you have with 1-A?" Ida asks.

"Why are you blocking our doorway? I won't let you hold us hostage!" Mineta fiercely states.

"They're scouting out the competition, idiots. We're the class who survived a real villain attack. They wanna see us with their own eyes." Bakugo said as he walked past them and towards the door.

Zatanna leaned on her desk, thinking this would take a while so she decided to munch on the snack she forgot to eat at lunch. She also hoped the angry hedgehog didn't rile the other student up, she'd like to enter the sports festival without someone out for her head.

"At least you know what a future pro looks like." He confidently exclaimed. "Now move it, extras!" He demands. Zatanna almost chokes, she might've spoken too soon and now they were going to be road kill.

"You can't just go around calling people extras just because you don't know who they are!" Ida lectured, chopping the air, as usual, to get his point across. He was right, sure, they were the main characters in their own story and side characters of others, but Bakugo liked to make that loud and clear. It fed into that persona of his and as much as it made Zatanna roll her eyes, it was a unique trait, nothing Zatanna had seen before.

As expected, no one shifted, making Zatanna consider using her quirk on them. A simple spell to make them move. It would be really helpful right about now but she didn't want to reveal her quirk so early on in her competition. She would only give what they truly wanted, a demonstration and please if she wanted to, she'd put on a whole magic show.

"So this is class 1-A. I heard you guys were impressive but you just sound like an ass." Someone spoke, directing the last part to Bakugo. It was a boy, he was fairly tall with messy, indigo-coloured hair that flared out in large tufts around his head and notably straight teeth. His eyes are purple with white pupils, and are thin and somewhat triangular in shape, pointing downward, with no visible eyelashes. They were half-closed, and he had very dark eye bags underneath them.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2022 ⏰

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