viii. The Golden Age of Heroes

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Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

The Golden Age of Heroes

[Note: Please read again as the plots in the original chapter have now changed. Thank you.]

The school was closed after the league of villains attacked the USJ, giving everyone a chance for a little break but it was tough to relax especially when their classmate was still in recovery. Luckily she'd be out soon so they'd definitely see her in class on the first day back but in the meantime, they'd always paid her a visit and accompanied her whenever they got the chance. Her father dropped by too, gave her a little lecture any protective parent would and then showered her with love, father-daughter time was definitely needed for both of them.

They'd ask questions about that day but soon realised Zatanna was just as confused as they were. She did, however, mention how desperately she wanted to protect them and felt a rush of energy flow through her, and then the series of events played out from there. It was the best way to describe it at the time without revealing too much.

She left out the part where she saw that woman, how she felt familiar to her, so familiar, it was on the tip of her tongue but just couldn't quite get it. Was that why she accepted it? Because she felt safe and whole in its embrace. When she consumed that power, it felt like it was hers like it was meant for her but how could it be? How could she possess so much power that even her body couldn't comprehend its brute strength? She did pass out, and it made her want to die from the embarrassment.

What was weird was she felt like she was in control but at the same time, she wasn't. It felt like someone was assisting her, holding her hand and guiding her through it like some guardian angel. Maybe that woman was, any sane person would think so and it even made sense. She was ready to believe it was so.

Since they were on the topic of this mysterious lady, something else happened and she quite liked it but a small part of her thought she finally lost it. She didn't know if she should be keeping these secrets, the smart thing was to tell a teacher but what could they do? They'd probably push it under the rug and say it was probably an after-effect from the stress she put her body through and there wasn't anything to worry about when in fact, she should be worried. Maybe she could tell All Might and Midoriya since they hold a secret she knew of and it was only fair but she didn't want to burden them with her secret when they have their own, especially after the attack, she didn't want to put them on any more stress. So she decided it was best to get the answers she seeks before revealing them.

The secret wasn't that she saw the ethereal-looking lady she saw during the attack, but how she saw her again. At first, she heard her name and would hum in question but no response. Weird. Then she asks the nurses who were taking care of her at the time if they called her name wondering if she must've misheard it. She watched them shake their head with a slight smile gracing their lips before placing a tray of food on her lap along with a few meds she was meant to take afterwards. Thinking nothing of it, she shrugged it off and dug into her first meal of the day but it happened again, causing her to look up bewildered. This time it was clear as day and she looked at the nurses once again who were now busy conversing with one another before they left the room. Did someone sneak into her room and decided it would be fun messing with her?

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