Unafraid Reality

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Clowns walking past me with sad faces
and sunken shoulders,
I look at their faces and see
plastered smiles that fall empty.
I am pushed on and my head turned aside,
I am forced to move on I cannot help them
In this Silence cannot be broken
in this world.
Yet I see their pain
But I cannot reach out to touch their soul.

This burden I feel Is theirs
I am given no understanding
of how to cast it away or lighten their load.

Then I beheld a crying face sitting alone,
the paint was dripping from their chin.
I stopped before them and smiled
for I saw one unafraid to cry too.
Too broken to deny reality.
They saw that I understood
our eyes speak more than any words
As we smiled together under such weather
because we could stop hiding behind our covers.

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