The best morning

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"I hate you so fucking much!" 

"I love you" 

"I fucking hate you! Go choke on a dick or something" she smacked my chest 

"That's rude as fuck" 

"You're rude as fuck! You limp noodle" 

"Limp noodle? Really baby? That's the best you've got?" 

"Fuck off" she started laughing uncontrollably making me laugh with her 

"Momma!" Jay squealed making us realize we were cursing in front of the twins 

"Yes baby?" She continued to giggle and wipe the small tears from her cheeks 

"Bad dada?"

"Yes" she nodded as she picked him up "Daddy was being mean to mommy. Say no dada!" She pointed at me and he laughed his little ass off before pointing at me and furrowed his brows 

"No dada!" 

I laughed and reached for him while he laughed, I put my controller down as he rubbed his face in my chest "I'm not mean, mommy is a baby because I beat her in Mortal Kombat" 

"You cheated!" She yelled 

"How?" I yelled back making us laugh 

"Dad! Ahdad!" Mae reached for me with grabby hands and I laughed as I picked her up and held her with her brother 

"Baby!" Jay pointed at Reina and I lost it all over again 

"Yes mommy is a baby" 

"The baby?" Mae asked 


"I baby" she smiled

I laughed a rubbed my nose against hers making her squeal as she grabbed my face "yes you're my baby too" 

"I baby!" Jay yelled as he pushed on his sister 

"You're both babies" Reina giggled as she picked up Jay and blew raspberries on his face making him laugh as he pulled at her hair 

"Are you staying?" I asked as we crept out of the nursery, the babies were sound asleep and tucked into their cribs 

"It hasn't even been a month yet Yoongs.. I'm not- I can't-" 

"Hey, look at me" I cupped her face in my hands and tilted her head up to look at me "I don't want anything from you that you aren't comfortable with. I asked because I want to hold you. I want to fall asleep next to you like we did before and wake up next to you and smother you in kisses until you wake up laughing. I fucked up Reina. And I know part of you is still holding on to that. But I will never, ever, under any circumstances hurt you again. I love you. I'm in love with you. And all I want is for you to be happy and comfortable. I don't need to have sex with you to feel complete. You make me feel that way with just the way you look at me" I brushed her tears off of her cheeks with my thumbs and kissed her forehead before I rested my forehead on hers

"I love you" she whimpered "I'm sorry that I can't let it go yet, I'm trying" she sobbed and held onto my shirt "I'm trying so hard" 

"I know baby" I wrapped my arms around her and held her to my chest as my own eyes watered "I know. And you have absolutely nothing to apologize for" 

"I feel bad" she shook her head "You're trying so hard and I know you won't hurt me, I just, I ca-"

"Shhh" I cooed "it's okay. I know" I kissed her forehead again "come lay with me?" She nodded and held my hand as we walked across the hall to my room, I went to my dresser and pulled clean pajamas out for the both of us, we changed in silence and then I pulled the blankets down so we could get into the bed, once she laid down I pulled the blankets up and wrapped my arms around her

"Thank you" she whispered as she relaxed into my hold 

"You don't have to thank me. Ever. I love you Reina" I kissed her temple 

"I love you too" she sniffled 

I woke up in the morning to Mae calling for us, I smiled and got out of bed before making my way to the nursery 

"My babies" I cooed as they were both standing in their cribs, I took turns changing their diapers while they babbled away and then I carried them into my room where I put them on the bed between Reina and I 

"Momma! Ah mom ma ma!!" Jay squealed and smacked her head, I laughed as I pulled him off of her and leaned down to smother her face in kisses until she smiled and opened her eyes 

"Good morning sunshine"

"Mmm morning"

"Momma" Mae giggled as she crawled over her 

"Good morning my babies" she smiled as she kissed both of their cheeks and then pouted her lips at me making me chuckle as I leaned in and kissed her lips softly "you have morning breath" she scoffed and pushed me away making me laugh my ass off 

"So do you! But I want your kisses anyway" 


"Kiss me!" I laid my torso on her back and making kissy noises 

"No! You're gross!" She tried smacking me away 




"Tisses mommy!" Jay came to my defense followed by a laughing Mae as she clapped her hands 

"Tisses daddy!" 

We laughed and took turns kissing our babies 

"My turn" I grabbed her before she could roll away from me and planted a wet kiss right on her lips making her laugh as she finally kissed me back 

"Nasty ass" She laughed as I pulled away 

"I love you" I smiled softly

"I love you too" she smiled

"Lub oo!" Jay cooed

"Lub yo!" Mae added as she crawled across my legs to hug both of us

"We love you too babies" I cheesed wide as I kissed their faces and hugged them tight 

It was hands down the best morning I had ever had in my entire life. 

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