‧ Chapter 1

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July, 2012

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July, 2012.

Smriti's POV

I huff in frustration as I look around the campus.

Kumaraguru College of Engineering was literally a maze.

I'd been here a week ago with my parents to look around the campus but the anxiousness of the first day of college literally has my brain totally blank, I couldn't even remember which room the staff asked me to go to for the orientation.

I get along well socially well with people and I'm quite good at studies too but here I am, still overthinking about how this day will be.

I take out my phone to text my cousin, who I'd been waiting for a while but still hadn't turned up.

To Bhavish:
Where are you? I have classes in like, 15 minutes.

Worried that I'll get even more late, I walk forward looking around in confusion. Bhavish told me he'd help me around the campus for the first two to three days since he knew it was hard getting around here but it seems like he totally forgot about it.

And then I crashed into someone.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry.", I ramble as bend to pick up her books that had fallen down.

"No don't worry.", she tells me with a small smile, "I'm new here so I was confused and I wasn't looking where I was going."

"That's alright, even I'm new here and pretty confused where is the room for orientation.", I sigh.

"We'll have to find some staff here, they might help us.", she suggests and I nod my head.

"I'm Smriti by the way.", I introduce myself to her. We were so worried about finding the orientation room that we didn't even know each other's names after a short conversation.

"I'm Aastha.", she replies as we walk towards a staff nearby. We ask him the directions to the room and he instructs us.

We go into the room and take two seats. "So which subject have you taken?", Aastha asks me.

"Computer Science.", I tell her and she perks up. "Same here! I'm glad I've already found a classmate.", she smiled widely.

"Same, the first day nerves have been killing me for a while.", I groan.

She opens her mouth to reply but then stops because the principal comes in. He speaks for a while and then a couple of staff members speak too, so as to make us comfortable with the atmosphere and give us a few instructions (or advice rather).

A couple of hours later, we're done with two classes and get out of the classroom for the lunch break. I take my phone out to see that Bhavish had finally replied to me.

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