‧Chapter 8

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About two to three months laterSmriti's POV

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About two to three months later
Smriti's POV

"Congratulations seniorrrr!", I exclaim excitedly at Ashwin after Aastha and I finally managed to make our way to him and Bhavish through the crowd of all the graduating students and their families.

"Thanks Minion.", he tells me as he pulls me into a side hug.

"Hi, I'm graduated too.", Bhavish waves his hand infront of my face, "your cousin brother who met you for the first time three days after you were born."

"Of course I know that.", I giggle as I pull him into a hug, "you know that I love you the most out of all the people here."

"And don't worry, if you don't have these love birds with you, I'm there.", Aastha tells as she gives Ashwin a congratulating side hug.

"You guys are being too dramatic.", Ashwin chuckles, "Is my girlfriend not allowed to congratulate me on graduating?".

"By the way, where's periamma?", I frown as I look around for Bhavish's mom.

[A/N: To any non-Tamilians reading the book, periamma usually refers to mother's older sister or father's older brother's wife (sister-in-law). In this case, Bhavish's mom is Smriti's maternal aunt.]

"She's meeting all of my professors with Ashwin's parents.", Bhavish tells, "Just like a final meeting or something like that."

"Oh alright.", I tell him and then freeze as I realise something.


"It's just my parents, don't worry.", he tells as he places as he places his arm around my shoulder.

"It's 'just my parents' for you, not for me.", I tell him, "you won't be saying the same when you meet my parents na".

"You just be as you are okay?", Ashwin comforts me, "you're fine the way you are, they'll love you."

"I hope so. Would it be too much if I touch their feet for blessings?", I ramble.

"I feel that's too dramatic", Aastha tells me.

"Just shake their hand or something.", Bhavish suggests.

"You'll do fine don't worry, anyways they just know that we're friends. So they won't think too much or judge you.", Ashwin tells me.

"Also, Smriti and I got some stuff for you guys!", Aastha exclaims excitedly.

"What stuff?", Bhavish asks in confusion.

"Graduation gifts. Engineering is one long and horrible ride so we thought why not get something for you guys in the honour of completing it.", I tell him as Aastha and I begin to take the things we bought for them out of our bags.

"Stopppp.", I gasp as Aastha hands over boxes to Bhavish and Ashwin, "You did not-."

"C'mon it's a really good gift.", Ashwin defends Aastha's choice.

"Exactly it's too good, I'm so jealous of you guys now.", I tell as I look at the headphones that Aastha had bought them.

"Thanks, Aastha. I really love it.", Bhavish tells her as he pulls her into a side hug.

"Uh, mine might be a little boring but nevertheless I hope you guys like it.", I tell the boys as I handover the two small boxes.

"This is a great one!", Ashwin exclaims excitedly as he looks at his watch, "I love it."

"Mine looks amazing, thanks drama queen.", Bhavish tells as he ruffles my hair.

"We were so confused at first about what to get for you guys.", Aastha sighs.

"I think we managed it well.", I grin at her.

Smriti!", I hear a very familiar voice from my back call me.

"Periamma!", I exclaim excitedly and rush over to hug her.

"How are you da?", she asks me with a soft smile after pulling me into a tight hug.

"I'm good.", I grin at her happily, "How is your health now?".

"Still the same.", she sighs in exasperation, "You know me, it's so hard with all the allergies."

Although I usually used to met Bhavish and his mom just twice in a year before, I was super attached to them.

Both Bhavish and I were the only children of our parents so we ended becoming as close as siblings were.

And his mom was one of the most loving and understanding people I'd known. She'd bathe me and even spoil me with small gifts when I was a child. There were times where even my own parents had zero clue when I was stressed as hell or tired when I was right infront of  but she would recognise that I wasn't doing good even though we were on a video call.

I absolutely adored her.

"Periamma this is Aastha.", I introduce to her, "She's my classmate and room mate."

"Hello dear.", she tells Aastha with a smile as Aastha replies with a hello too.

"Smriti, Aastha.", Ashwin ushers us to come towards him.

"Meet my mom and dad.", he introduces us to them after we make it close to him.

We exchange a bunch of hellos, how-are-yous and get into casual talk.

"We've heard a lot about you guys.", Ashwin's dad tells us.

"All good things, I hope.', Aastha jokes.

"Of course, he has told us that you guys have always been supportive.", his mom gives us a warm smile.

"It's the least we could do for him.", I tell her, "He deserves lot of good things."

The conversation proceeding and went on a little awkward, but nevertheless it was filled with good talks.

"See, I told you it'd go well.", Ashwin tells me as we make our way to a cafe with Bhavish and Aastha.

Author's note:

Although this was a filter chapter, it turned out to be much shorter than I expected I'm sorry 😭

I wanted to show the friendship between the four of them since I felt like I've barely covered that so far, I hope you liked this chapter!

Lot's of love,

Published on: 05 September 2021

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