‧ Chapter 4

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Smriti's POV

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Smriti's POV

"You will be performing this project in pairs and submit it during the next week.", Professor Raman continues instructing us about the last project of our first semester.

This buffoon had to give us a project right before our exams.

He starts announcing the names and then pairs me up with one of my classmates, Manish.

"Are you free after lunch?", Manish asks me, "we could start working on it in the library and finish it as soon as possible."

"Yeah I'm free, I'll be there.", I tell him as we head into the canteen and then part ways.

"How was your class?" Bhavish chuckles at me knowing that I will fully go into a rant because I dispised Professor Raman.

"Very funny.", I roll my eyes, "that buffoon gave us an assignment."

"And he paired me with Abhishek, that idiot doesn't do ANYTHING", Aastha groans.

"Good luck with that.", I grin at her as I start eating my food.

"Wait, where's Ashwin?", I frown as I notice he wasn't next to Bhavish, where he sat everyday.

"Oh he's over there.", Bhavish points out behind me and I turn behind to see him talking with a girl.

I frown as they keep talking and talking for god knows how long.

Why is he smiling so much?

I shake the thoughts away from my head. I shouldn't be this bothered about all of that... right?

But then pulls her into a hug and I gasp.

"What happened?", Bhavish frowns at me and I turn forward at him.

"Some idiot was dipping biscuits in sambar and eating it.", I bluff and Aastha gives me a look.

"Ugh that's gross.", he tells me and continues eating.

"I saw it.", Aastha whispers.

"What?", I raise my eyebrow at her.

"You were staring and Ashwin and that girl don't lie, you're jealous aren't you?", she asks me.

"Why in the world would I be jealous?", I ask her.

"I don't know you tell me", she smirks at me.

"Shut up, you know it's not like that. I've told you before.", I roll my eyes at her.

So over the period of time, Ashwin and I have become close friends or as Bhavish liked to say "tOo cLoSe" for his liking.

But Aastha and Bhavish felt that we liked each other. I mean, that doesn't make sense right?

"Heyy, where were you?", Ashwin asks me.

"Oh, I was just talking to this classmate I have a project to do with?", I replied.

"You should've come earlier, I was just introducing them to my sister.", he tells me.

Wait- that was his sister??

I glare at Aastha for not mentioning that to me during our stupid conversation.

"Ohhh, wait I saw the both of you talking there. I would've loved to meet her.", I tell him and Aastha gives me a look.

"Alright, we gotta go for class now. See you guys later", Bhavish tells as Ashwin and him get up.

That left Aastha and I alone at the table and I just knew that she was going to annoy the hell out of me about the "Ashwin matter" now.

"Okay, so give me reason why you don't like Ashwin.", she asks me.

"Hey, that's not fair. You know he's a nice guy whom you can dislike nothing about.", I frown at her.

"Ayyo that's not what I meant, what I meant to say was that, give me atleast one reason why you wouldn't date him.", she asks me.

Honestly speaking, I didn't have a reason. He was humble, kind and well um...very adorable.

"You're blushing.", Aastha teases me and I feel that my cheeks are red.

"No I'm not.", I groan, "I have to meet Manish at the library for the project now bye."

"We're not done with this conversation yet.",  she exclaims and I roll my eyes at her.

Ashwin's POV  (A/N: first time from his side yayyyy)

I make my way to the library after the day at college got over.

The library kinda turned out into Smriti and my hang out spot ever since our conversation about my acting. It was a peaceful place in the evening and Smriti spent a lot of time just studying, so it had easily become the place where we just spent time every evening.

As I neared the table we sat in usually, I frowned seeing that there was someone else sitting next to her.

"Hey.", I smile at Smriti.

"Hi.", she gives me a tired smile.

"Uh, so are you free now? If you're busy I could leave right now and we could hang out another time.", I tell her.

"No no, Manish and I will be done with this in five minutes or so. You could stay here if you want to.", she suggested.

"Yeah, sure.", I tell her and keep my bag on the table as I sit on a chair.

The both of them kept discussing about some presentation things for some thing.

Why is he sitting THAT close to her?

I mentally face-palm myself. I'm over reacting about this right?

"Well that's it for today then, we'll meet tomorrow over here?", the guy Manish asks her.

"Yeah sure, bye.", she tells him.

"Bye Smri.", he tells her. She gives him a dirty look and I give him a glare.

He hasn't even known her properly for one day and he's making nicknames. What an idiot.

"Are you sure that guy is safe to be around?", I ask her concernedly.

"I don't really know anything about him.", she tells shrugged, "I got assigned to do the project with him, I'll do it and then just ignore his existence as always."

"Just be careful, he doesn't seem to be nice.", I warn her, "I'll be around here tomorrow too, if it's okay with you."

I'm getting so worried about this, it makes no sense to myself only.

"Ayyo Ashwiiiiiiin", don't worry, I'll be fine okay. And yes, if you're free you can stay here tomorrow too. I love having your company.", she grins and she places her hand on mine to reassure me.

She's so cute.

Did I just-

Do I like her like Bhavish and Aastha always insisted?  I mean, I think she's cute, sweet and just very, adorable.

Maybe I do.

I smile at her as she shows this new novel she started reading and goes on rambling about it.

Yeah, I do like her.

Published on: 20 July 2021

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