‧ Chapter 13

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July, 2016

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July, 2016

Smriti's POV

"We're finally done with thisss!", I squeal as I pull Aastha into a hug.

"God I'm so glad this is all over, MBA at Chennai sounds so exciting tho.", she grins.

"That part of life after that scares the hell out of me, not gonna lie.", I sigh.

"Hope for the best, it'll go great.", she tries to cheer me up and holds my hand as we make way out of the crowd, "there's more time for that, enjoy the moment."

"Oh wait I spot my parents there, I'll go meet them", I tell her and make my way to my parents.

"Congratulations.", my mom smiles at me and pulls me into a hug, "by the way I want to talk to your professors, where are they?"

"Thank you.", I tell her with a huge smile, "all of them are near the podium there, you could go and talk to them now."

"So what's your plan after this?", my dad asks me after my mom goes away to speak to my professors.

"Yeah actually Bhavish and Ashwin will be here in a bit so Aastha and I were thinking of going somewhere out with them-", I start but my dad cuts me off.

"No I meant your life after this, now that your engineering is done.", my dad asks me and the smile on my face fades.

Dear lord I've literally just graduated right now, can he give me a bit of time to breathe?

"I was thinking of doing MBA at Chennai actually.", I tell him nervously, not sure if he'd approve of it.

"Why not Bangalore, or even Canada maybe. You've always wanted to be there right?", he asks me.

"Well I did, but now I feel like my plans have changed and I want to do my MBA at Chennai now?",

"Why do you always want to do something to disappoint me? Look, the one thing you can do is study in Bangalore or at Canada or I will arrange a marriage for you.", he threatens me.

"Just let me take a study loan or something, I promise I'll pay all the money back but please let me continue my studies at Chennai.", I plead.

"You can only do that if you get a good job. I don't think that will happen if you study there only like your current Engineering college. Stop disappointing me for once and just choose one place in Bangalore or Canada."

Here he was again, ruining my peace of mind again with his narrow minded thoughts. There were so many good MBA colleges in the other states in India and even in Chennai but yet he was so keen on me bringing me back to Bangalore or sending me far away from here at Canada.

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