‧Chapter 7

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Smriti's POV

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Smriti's POV

"Ashwiiiiiiin", I tell him with a look, "we're going really to watch THIS??".

"What's wrong with watching this movie?", he frowns at me as we wait in the queue to book a ticket.

"It's not good at all! I read the review and they said that the plot of this movie isn't good at all.", I ramble.

"So will you not watch my movie if it doesn't have a good story?", he mocks me.

"I will obviously watch it", I tell him, "also, I know you'll make good choices and not go on for a bad story. Plots are as important to a movie as much as good actors are."

"You trust me too much.", he tells me.

"Not a lot now since you're choosing a flop movie for us to watch on our first movie date.", I whine.

"Please please please ", he gives me puppy eyes.

"Fine.", I give in and playfully roll my eyes at him.

"You'll call me a genius for choosing this one.", he grins at me and I raise my eyebrow in confusion.

I don't understand half of his theories sometimes.

I go towards the snacks counter of the theatre to get some food, hopefully that would be a distraction from the movie.

"I honestly don't understand how are you best friends with this guy.", I complain to Bhavish after I get the food.

"You're the one to say, you're literally his girlfriend.", he retorts.

"What happened though?", Aastha asks me.

"He chose a horrible movie for us to watch today.", I complain.

"Hey, I did that with a nice intention. You'll be thanking me for this one later.", he tells me.

"Have fun.", Aastha teases me.

"Shut up.", I groan as we part ways into the respective screening halls.

So the initial plan was that the four of us could go to watch a movie together, but Bhavish and Aastha stated that they couldn't deal with "being with a couple", although Ashwin and I weren't into PDA.

So the both of them were going to watch another movie, while Ashwin and I were going to watch the one he chose.

"C'mon, let's go.", Ashwin tells excitedly as he holds my forearm and pulls me inside with him.

This wasn't the same guy who barely spoke to me the first time we met.

"You're so adorable.", I laugh at him.

"I know.", he tells me cockily.

"Wait", I halt and frown at the sight of barely six people in the theatre, "why is the theatre so empty?".

"Because it's a flop movie, it got released weeks ago as well. So there's barely anyone coming now.", he explains.

"Ohhhh.", I nod my head, "So your idea was that we could be alone in the theatre, but at the cost of watching a bad movie. Mhm, not bad."

"It's a genius idea.", he tells me with a smirk on his face.

"I'm not gonna go to that extent, but it's a nice idea.", I laugh as we make our way to our seats, which were at the back of the theatre.

Ashwin and I start munching on the food as the movie starts.

"What even was that-", he looks confused at the screen twenty minutes into the movie.

"You know how some movies get sometimes, we can't question logic.", I shrug.

"But he literally just jumped from a place THAT high, how does he not even have a scratch on his body?", he tells.

"I'm waiting for the day you'll have to do a scene like this one.", I tease him.

"No way, there has to be atleast a minimum logic in it.", he defends.

"I'm bored.", I whine after a few minutes later as I lie on his shoulder.

"Same.", he tells as he taps his feet in boredom.

"Is it even possible for people to fall in love this fast?", he asks as we watch the couple in the movie confess their love.

"It could happen with a few people, I mean I fell in love with you like two to three months after started dating so-", I blurt out and then fall silent after I realise what I said.

This was NOT how I intended it to come out.

"You're in love with me?", Ashwin looks me surprised.

"Uh- yeah- about that- sorry.", I stutter.

"You're sorry that you're in love with me?", he frowns at me.

"No I'm not, stop making this is so hard for me.", I whine and my cheeks turn red.

"You're so red.", he pinches my cheek.

"Ashwiiiiiiin, stoppppp", I whine again.

"Fine, I'll not make this hard.", he tells me as he interwines his hand in mine, "what did you say?".

I take a deep breathe, "I, am in love with you."

"And I love you too.", he smiles at me and I look at him in surprise.

"Why is that so surprising?", he looks at me confusion, "You've been so supportive about my dreams ever since we've met and I've always been happy around. Of course I'm in love with you."

"I guess, I guess I just started over thinking as usual.", I face palm.

"Although it's hard, try to avoid it. If you're sure about anything, go for it.", he tells me.

"I love you so much, Senior.", I tell him as I place a peck on his lips, "Actually, you know what? Watching this was a genius idea. Although the movie's horrible, there's less people and absolute darkness."

"See? I told you.", he grins at me as he pulls me in for a kiss.

Author's note:

Long time, no see again👀 I'm so sorry y'all 😬

Also I hope you liked this chapter! Please do comment your feedback, it would mean the absolute world to me if you do so. Sometimes I can't help but wonder it the book's not good enough or not, so if you have any feedback (positive or negative), please please do let me know :)

The book also crossed 2K reads! Thank you so much for the support despite my inconsistent updates🥴❤️

Lot's of love,

Published on: 29 August 2021

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