7. dinner party

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AFTER THE DEATH OF ROSE, Damon has been off the charts but soon fell back into place after finding his new "play toy" the newscaster, Andy. Ophelia couldn't help but feel a little jealous at this.

However, this was an unfitting time for Ophelia to think about Damon and his new lover as the pair were now strapped to chairs, being held hostage at the Salvatore boarding house by the werewolves.

Since Ophelia was human, they felt pity and gave her a less gruesome punishment, whereas, for Damon, he was strapped down with wooden spikes on his neck and vervain ropes wrapped around his wrists.

"You know what the great thing about buckshot is? It scatters through the body. Maximum damage." Jules and Damon were bickering back and forth, trying to figure out where the moonstone is. Knowing how stubborn Damon is, he didn't budge on the hiding spot, even when he had torture devices impaled in him.

"You're never going to get it out of him, so just leave you bitch," Ophelia said, not even caring if Jules tortured her. Right when Jules was about to walk up to Ophelia, a voice interrupted them.

"You looking for this?" Elijah said. Ophelia smirked slightly at him, knowing that if a werewolf crosses Elijah, they're as good as dead.

Elijah walked down the steps and placed the moonstone on a book, making it seem easy to retrieve. "Go ahead, take it."

A werewolf apparently had a death sentence and tried to take the moonstone, but Elijah quickly ripped out his heart and the other wolves tried their luck as well, but still, nothing. Dead.

Damon smirked at Ophelia, knowing they were in good hands with the Original vampire.

Jules immediately left, feeling threatened by Elijah which made Ophelia scoff at her for leaving her pack. 

Ophelia always thought family was everything. She would do anything for them.

There was one more werewolf who tried to hide with his hoodie. Elijah walked up to him slowly.

"How about you sweetheart? Do you want to take a shot? No? Yes?" Ophelia couldn't help but burst out into laughter at the sarcasm in Elijah's voice.

Once Elijah knocked out the werewolf, he broke Damon free. He went over to Ophelia and freed her as well.

"Are you hurt? Is there pain?" Elijah scanned her body, making sure there wasn't any need for her to inject vampire blood.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐘 ✯ damon salvatore Where stories live. Discover now