Chapter 1

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"Bring Bring!" I heard my small alarm clock screech as I placed my pillow over my ears.

It was just the beginning of summer vacation and I did not want to wake up this early again yet I had to no matter what. It was the first time I was going to London to see my dad, so I jumped out of bed and rubbed my eyes. Monday. Why did it have to be on a Monday?

After forcing myself to get off the bed and get dressed, I grabbed a brush off my bathroom counter and ran downstairs. I tried to brush the bird nest I woke up to on my head and once it was brushed I just simply blow dried it.

My mom was baking in the kitchen as always.

I quietly peeked over my mom's shoulder and saw she had already burnt the pancakes. I grabbed an apple off the table and my backpack off the living room couch.

Just as I was about to leave I heard my mom.

"Where are going Taylor? You didn't eat breakfast.."My mom said and I could tell she was sad I was leaving.

"I'm sorry mom but I am going to be late if I don't go now." I gave my mom a quick kiss and walked out the door.

There outside was my car my dad had bought me for my sixteenth birthday, it wasn't much but it could take me places. I turned the key and heard the engine roar. For a moment I sat there. Just thinking what London would be like. The people. The buildings. It all seemed like too much. A minute or so passed before I pushed on the gas pedal and before I knew it, I was off.

I sat down by myself next to the window. I put my headphones on and watched as the clouds and cities flew behind us. The plane wasn't that full so I had a good spot and no idiot bothering me.

I was just about to snooze off when my phone started to buzz. I knew it had to be either my dad, my mom, or Ezzie my friend. Once I pulled out my phone from my pocket I knew my dad was wondering if I was on my way.

"Don't worry. I'm only a couple hours away dad."

There was a pause.

"That's not what I called for but that's good to know."

"Then why did you call?"

"Well there's some band here having a concert tonight and I was wondering if you wanted to go."

"Sure. Where is it?"

"I'll email you the address, but you need to go there right when you get here ok?"

"Ok. Thanks dad. Bye."

I hanged up and put my phone back in my pocket. A concert?

I eventually snoozed off after a few minutes. It seemed like just a few minutes before a lady told me had landed. My eyes opened half way and looked out the window. Then I pulled down my suitcases and grabbed my purse. Once the plane had landed, I grabbed a taxi and followed the directions my dad had sent me. When the taxi pulled up to the concert, there were girls screaming like crazy and just pushing each other trying to enter.

I generously tipped the driver and walked out with my suitcases. I went up to the ticket booth and told them my dad had bought me a ticket. They kindly escorted me to my seat and took my bags saying I could pick them up back stage after the concert. I sat next to my dad and we began talking. It was nice, like old times. I tried making out the posters around me but couldn't tell without my glasses, so I bent down and dug in my purse for them. Once I had put them on and looked up, the concert had started. And that's how it all started..

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