Chapter 7

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I rushed out of the elevator, almost hitting the doors as they opened. Zayn walked behind me.

"What were doing?! Holding my hand?!" I yelled.

"Um..." Zayn said looking at the ground.

Guilt filled my heart and I walked over there and hugged Zayn tightly.

"Let's just get that tree..."

We had grabbed a cab and headed to this small little place with Christmas trees. I was looking for the perfect tree for the boys. There was just so many choices.

"I like this one," Zayn said brushing the tree's needles with fake snow layered on top of them.

"Ok we'll get that one."

We loaded the tree onto the car. I sat next to Zayn as the car began to drive off. I rubbed my hands trying to heat them up.

"You cold?" Zayn said with that irresistible smile of his.

"Just a little."

"Let's get some hot cocoa then," Zayn said smiling.

We arrived at the hot cocoa place we went to before and we both bought one. I even bought one for Niall, just in case he wanted any. Niall. He kept spinning through my head. What was he doing? Is he having fun? We drove back to hotel and went to their room. The boys had put everything up, it was beautiful.

"Oh look who's finally back!" Louis yelled winking at Zayn.

Everyone laughed except Niall, he just continued putting on some lights. I walked over to him and handed him the hot cocoa.

"What is this?" Niall said taking the cup from my hand.

"Zayn and I went and got hot coca. I thought you would want some," I said as I sat next to him.

"Where's mine?" Harry asked sitting next to me.

"You didn't ask for one," I said under my breath as I drank from the warm cup.

"Neither did Niall."

We all laughed until a guy working at the hotel brought up the Christmas tree. He placed it in the corner for us.

"Wow," Niall said as he stepped back and admired the beautiful piece of nature with those gorgeous blue eyes.

"Well lets get this tree decorated!" Louis said grabbing ornaments from the box on the bed.

We all started putting tinsel and lights and red ornaments all along the Christmas tree. At one point I sat down and just admired the boys goofing off and having fun. A smile appeared on my face and I could tell Niall had noticed. He walked over to me and grabbed my hand. I walked behind him as he pulled me over to the boys. We all started telling stories and just having fun.

"Taylor can you go get the lights in that box?" Louis said chuckling a little as he pointed to a box in the corner of the room.


I got up and walked over there. I dug through the box for a while until I found some lights on the way bottom, they were tangled though. I sat on the bed next to me and untangled them for a good five minutes then started walking over to the boys. My eyes were focused on the lights on the floor to make sure they didn't break. I accidentally bumped into someone while walking. I lifted my head to see a huge grin on Niall's face. I smiled back.

"Oh look who's under the mistletoe!" Louis yelled chuckling.

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