Chapter 10

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I starred up at the cracks on my ceiling, watching them get more blurry as more tears filled my eyes and fell down my warm cheeks. I closed my eyes wanting the memories to disappear. I jumped at the sound of my phone ringing. I turned it over to see Louis' name. I didn't want to answer. I didn't want to talk to anyone, but I did.

"Hello?..." I said wiping a tear from my eye.

"Taylor you and Nial-" I heard Louis explain before it hit me at what he was going to say.

"I know! I know but he won't talk to me! I've sent him at least twenty texts and called him at least twice that! He doesn't want to talk! He hat-"

"Taylor don't say! He doesn't hate you!" Louis yelled.

"Well I don't know how I'm going to make him talk to him...." I said sitting up after crying all night.

"I'll take care of that. You just come to the little cafe looking your beautiful self," Louis said hanging out.

I started blushing uncontrollably. After snapping back into reality, I realized Louis was setting me up on a date. I quickly put on a snug long sleeve dark purple shirt with a sailor blue and white striped skirt. I slipped on some black heels and headed to the bathroom. My hair looked like a bird's nest from all that crying and staying in bed. I curled my hair and did my make up as fast as I could. I walked outside and finally got a cab.

I entered the little tea cafe to see Niall and Louis sitting at the exact table Niall and I had sat at last time. Memories began to flood through my head and tears began to fill my eyes at the thought of them. I straightened myself up and finally walked over there. Niall looked up with a shocked and happy yet disappointed look on his face. I smiled and waved.

"Well look who finally showed up! Hello love!" Louis yelled with his arms wide opened.

I hugged him tightly for all this.

"Louis what is she-" Niall was saying under his breath.

Louis turned his head to face Niall. "Shut up and make up!" he yelled at Niall as I turned around at me, smiled and walked out the door.

I sat down across from Niall and suddenly remembered the first time we were here. How everything seemed so perfect but look at us now. Niall pushed himself up as if he was about to leave. I grabbed his hand as he turned his head around.


A sigh left his lips as he sat down and looked at me with a smirk.

"Niall I'm so sorry! I didn't kiss Harry, he kissed me! Please have to belie-"

"I do believe you..." Niall said fiddling with his fingers.

"You do?..."

"Of course I do. How couldn't I?" Niall asked looking me in the eyes.

For a moment we paused just staring into each others eyes and enjoying the moment. Tears started to fill my eyes.

"What's wrong?!" Niall asked standing up and rushing to my side.

"Nothing. It's forgave me when I thought you wouldn't..." I said wiping tears from my eyes.

Niall smiled and sat back down. He took a sip of my tea and I did as well.

"Why wouldn't I forgive you?" Niall asked placing his cup down.

"I don't know I just did-"

Niall interrupted me by leaning over the table and giving me a kiss on the cheek. A chill ran down my spine and a smile appeared on my face.

"I forgot to say, you look lovely," Niall said smiling.

"Why thank you," I said with a huge stupid smile on my face.

"Of course," Niall leaned back over and missed my lips again.

The same feeling ran through me. The warmness, the butterflies, my heart beat. He parted away and sat their smiling at me.

"I love you..."

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