Chapter 13

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Three months. Those two little words kept spinning around in my head. It's been three months since I was in London. Sure Niall and I video chatted, called, and texted but it just wasn't the same. He barely answered anyways. Niall was busy. They had interviews, concerts, and all that stuff. I just wish I could be back in London...

"Taylor could pass the bread?" my asked so silently in that innocent voice of hers.

I gave the basket of bread to my mother and continued eating my spaghetti. Silence stood in the house for what seemed like an eternity until it was broken my the sound of footsteps running down the stairs. My little sister ran over to me as I picked her up and placed her on my lap. She placed my laptop on the table.

"Who's that?" she asked looking me in the eyes with her blue eyes.

Her eyes reminded me on Niall's which just made me miss her more.

"A boy I met at London," I said smiling.

"Is he your boyfriend?" she asked.

I paused and looked at my mother. A worried and disappointed looked appeared on her face.

" just a frie-"

"Taylor has a boyfriend! A boyfriend! Taylor has a boyfriend!" she sang loudly it echoed in the house.

A giggle left my lips so slightly as I smiled.

"Lilly why did you get my laptop anyways?"

"I want to go on the intornet," she said pressing random buttons on the keyboard.

"Internet. Besides you don't how to use the Internet silly," I said tickling her.

She giggled yelling me to stop and squirming around in my lap. I smiled and laughed until I stopped.

"Intornet!" she yelled pressing more buttons.

"Internet," I corrected her as I put her on a kid website.

She smile and jumped off my lap, turned around, grabbed the laptop, and ran back upstairs. Suddenly silence arose again. I looked at my mother, she just sat there looking at me.

"Can you pass the butter?" I asked my mother.

"Who is he?" she asked sternly.


"The boy on your laptop," she said silently passing the butter.

I grabbed the bowl and sat there silently before saying "Just a friend..."

"Didn't seem like it in the pictures..." she said focusing back on her food.


"Lilly showed me some pictures on your laptop."


There was a long pause of silence besides the sound of our forks hitting the plates and our cups hitting the table.

"Maybe Lilly should you go with you next time..." my mother finally said breaking the silence.

"Okay. When's next time?" I asked knowing my mother would get mad for asking that.

"A month or two..." she said getting up from her seat.


"I have things to do and I think Lilly needs some time with your father," she said placing a dish in the kitchen sink.

She started walking out of the kitchen when a smile grew on my face.

"Also you can hang with your boyfriend," my mother said leaving the kitchen.

She knew. I didn't care, I couldn't stop smiling. I was going to see Niall soon.

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